From: Subject: WTO | International Trade Statistics 2009 Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2010 10:57:07 +0500 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/related; type="text/html"; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0000_01CABF77.42B322D0" X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.2180 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0000_01CABF77.42B322D0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Location: WTO | International Trade Statistics 2009

espa=F1ol   =20 fran=E7ais


home > resources = > statistic= s=20 > international trade statistics=20 2009

International Trade Statistics 2009

International Trade Statistics 2009 = offers a=20 comprehensive overview of the latest developments in world trade, = covering=20 the details of merchandise trade by product and trade in = commercial=20 services by category.

Previous=20 editions of ITS

See also:
Ne= ws=20 item
Statistics Database
More on=20 International trade and tariff data


Permission to make digital or = hard=20 copies of any information contained in these web pages is = granted=20 for personal or classroom use, without fee and without = formal=20 request.

Full citation and copyright = notice must=20 appear on the first page.

Copies may not be made or = distributed=20 for profit or commercial advantage. To republish, to post on = servers, or to redistribute to lists, requires prior = specific=20 permission and/or fee.



Each = chapter is=20 introduced by a highlights section that identifies the most = salient trends=20 in the data and illustrates them with numerous charts and maps. = There is=20 also a methodological chapter that explains essential concepts and = definitions used in compiling the statistics, and an appendix with = detailed data on trade by region up to 2008.

International Trade Statistics 2009 = continues to=20 serve as an invaluable reference for researchers, policy makers, = and=20 anyone interested in international trade.

Table of contents:

> Download the complete International Trade Statistics 2009 file = in pdf=20 format

> Order paper version from online bookshop

Survey of=20 user satisfaction with ITS publication

Any feedback on this page should be = sent to=20 javascript:emailWTO('',=20 'ITS 2009 Feedback')

Guide to = downloading files

contact us = : World Trade Organization, rue de Lausanne = 154, CH-1211=20 Geneva 21, Switzerland

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// undefined variable var photo_array =3D new Array(); // array for photos var photo_title =3D new Array(); photo_title[1] =3D "Photos"; photo_title[2] =3D "Photos"; photo_title[3] =3D "Fotos"; var photo_gallery =3D new Array(); photo_gallery[1] =3D "Photo gallery"; photo_gallery[2] =3D "Galerie de photos"; photo_gallery[3] =3D "Galer=EDa de fotos"; var language_letter_array =3D new Array(); language_letter_array[1] =3D "e"; language_letter_array[2] =3D "f"; language_letter_array[3] =3D "s"; var dg_gallery_page_array =3D new Array(); dg_gallery_page_array[1] =3D = "/english/thewto_e/dg_e/pl_visitors_e/pl_photo_gallery_e.htm"; dg_gallery_page_array[2] =3D = "/french/thewto_f/dg_f/pl_visitors_f/pl_photo_gallery_f.htm"; dg_gallery_page_array[3] =3D = "/spanish/thewto_s/dg_s/pl_visitors_s/pl_photo_gallery_s.htm"; var photo_gallery_page_array =3D new Array(); photo_gallery_page_array[1] =3D = "/english/res_e/photo_gallery_e/photo_gallery_e.htm"; photo_gallery_page_array[2] =3D = "/french/res_f/photo_gallery_f/photo_gallery_f.htm"; 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call_out_slideshow_array[3] =3D "Haga clic para ver un diaporama de = fotograf=EDas"; var kb_array =3D new Array(); kb_array[1] =3D "KB"; kb_array[2] =3D "Ko"; kb_array[3] =3D "KB"; var new_window_array =3D new Array(); // variable for text to display if = document should open in a new window new_window_array[1] =3D "opens in a new window";=20 new_window_array[2] =3D "ouvre une nouvelle fen=EAtre";=20 new_window_array[3] =3D "se abrir=E1 una nueva ventana";=20 var showtitle_array =3D new Array(); showtitle_array[1] =3D "Slideshow"; showtitle_array[2] =3D "Diaporama"; showtitle_array[3] =3D "Diapositivas"; var lasttitle_array =3D new Array(); lasttitle_array[1] =3D "Latest photo"; lasttitle_array[2] =3D "Photo la plus r=E9cente"; lasttitle_array[3] =3D "=DAltima fotograf=EDa"; var dg_loop_array =3D new Array(); dg_loop_array[0] =3D "/images/img_dg_pl/dg2.jpg"; dg_loop_array[1] =3D "/images/img_dg_pl/dg1.jpg"; dg_loop_array[2] =3D "/images/img_dg_pl/dg3.jpg"; var press_loop_array =3D new Array(); 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var photos_from =3D new Array(); photos_from[1] =3D "Photos from:"; photos_from[2] =3D "Photos de:"; photos_from[3] =3D "Fotos de:"; function dailyIndexPhotoChange(language) { var today =3D new Date(); var day_number =3D today.getDate(); var todays_photo =3D day_number % dg_loop_array.length; document.write("

"); } function pressPhotoChange(language) { var today =3D new Date(); var day_number =3D today.getDate(); var todays_photo =3D day_number % press_loop_array.length; document.write("

"); } function showThbnlGallery(occasion, language, year) { var i =3D 0; var j =3D 0; var p =3D 0; var photonum =3D 0; var occasion_array =3D new Array(); var thbnl_array =3D new Array(); var caption_array =3D new Array(); var sorted_array =3D new Array(); // array for sorting photos var found =3D false; var popup_width =3D 0; var popup_height =3D 0; document.writeln(""); =09 for (i =3D photo_array.length - 1; i >=3D 0 ; i--) {=09 if (photo_array[i] !=3D=3D not_defined) { occasion_array =3D photo_array[i][9].split("#"); =09 for (j =3D 0; j < occasion_array.length; j++) { if (occasion_array[j] =3D=3D occasion) { sorted_array[p] =3D [photo_array[i][0].slice(6, 10), = photo_array[i][0].slice(3, 5), photo_array[i][0].slice(0, 2), i]; p =3D p + 1; break; } } } } if (sorted_array.length > 0) { sorted_array.sort(); for (p =3D sorted_array.length - 1; p >=3D 0 ; p--) { photonum =3D parseInt(sorted_array[p][3], 10); caption_array =3D photo_array[photonum][language].split("#"); =09 popup_width =3D parseInt(photo_array[photonum][6], 10) + 20; var numlines =3D Math.ceil(((photo_array[photonum][0].length + 2 + = photo_array[photonum][language].length) * 6) / popup_width); popup_height =3D parseInt(photo_array[photonum][7], 10) + 60 + = (numlines * 22); document.write(""); document.writeln(""); } } document.writeln("
"); if (photo_array[photonum][8] =3D=3D 1) { thbnl_array =3D photo_array[photonum][4].split("."); document.write("
"); } else { document.write(""); } document.writeln("
" + photo_array[photonum][0] + "
" = + caption_array[0] + "
"); return false; } function showNoThbnlGallery(occasion, language, year) { var i =3D 0; var j =3D 0; var p =3D 0; var sorted_array =3D new Array(); // array for sorting photos var occasion_array =3D new Array(); var thbnl_array =3D new Array(); var caption_array =3D new Array(); var found =3D false; var popup_width =3D 0; var popup_height =3D 0; var photonum =3D 0; for (i =3D photo_array.length - 1; i >=3D 0 ; i--) {=09 if (photo_array[i] !=3D=3D not_defined) { occasion_array =3D photo_array[i][9].split("#"); =09 for (j =3D 0; j < occasion_array.length; j++) { if (occasion_array[j] =3D=3D occasion) { sorted_array[p] =3D [photo_array[i][0].slice(6, 10), = photo_array[i][0].slice(3, 5), photo_array[i][0].slice(0, 2), i]; p =3D p + 1; break; } } } } if (sorted_array.length > 0) { sorted_array.sort(); for (p =3D sorted_array.length - 1; p >=3D 0 ; p--) { photonum =3D parseInt(sorted_array[p][3], 10); caption_array =3D photo_array[photonum][language].split("#"); =09 popup_width =3D parseInt(photo_array[photonum][6], 10) + 20; var numlines =3D Math.ceil(((photo_array[photonum][0].length + 2 + = photo_array[photonum][language].length) * 6) / popup_width); popup_height =3D parseInt(photo_array[photonum][7], 10) + 60 + = (numlines * 22); document.writeln("

" + = photo_array[photonum][0] + ":
" + = caption_array[0] + "

"); } } return false; } // This function displays the an image and its caption in the popup = window function insertLatestPhoto(occasion, language, year) { var i =3D 0; var j =3D 0; var k =3D 0; var p =3D 0; var sorted_array =3D new Array(); // array for sorting photos var occasion_array =3D new Array(); var photonum =3D 0; var thbnl_array =3D new Array(); var caption_array =3D new Array(); var latest_array =3D new Array(); var found =3D false; var popup_width =3D 0; var popup_height =3D 0; =09 latest_array=3D occasion.split("#"); for (i =3D photo_array.length - 1; i >=3D 0 ; i--) { if (photo_array[i] !=3D=3D not_defined) { occasion_array =3D photo_array[i][9].split("#"); =09 for (j =3D 0; j < occasion_array.length; j++) { for (k =3D 0; k < latest_array.length; k++) { if (occasion_array[j] =3D=3D latest_array[k]) { sorted_array[p] =3D [photo_array[i][0].slice(6, 10), = photo_array[i][0].slice(3, 5), photo_array[i][0].slice(0, 2), i]; p =3D p + 1; break; } } } } } if (sorted_array.length > 0) { sorted_array.sort(); photonum =3D parseInt(sorted_array[sorted_array.length - 1][3], 10); caption_array =3D photo_array[photonum][language].split("#"); =09 popup_width =3D parseInt(photo_array[photonum][6], 10) + 20; var numlines =3D Math.ceil(((photo_array[photonum][0].length + 2 + = photo_array[photonum][language].length) * 6.5) / popup_width); popup_height =3D parseInt(photo_array[photonum][7], 10) + 60 + = (numlines * 22); document.writeln("

" + = lasttitle_array[language] + ":
"); document.write(""); if (photo_array[photonum][8] =3D=3D 1) { thbnl_array =3D photo_array[photonum][4].split("."); document.write("
"); } else { document.write(""); } document.writeln("

"); document.writeln(photo_array[photonum][0] + "
"); document.writeln(caption_array[0] + "

"); } return false; } // This function displays the an image and its caption in the popup = window function insertLatestMediaPhoto(occasion, language, year) { var i =3D 0; var j =3D 0; var k =3D 0; var p =3D 0; var sorted_array =3D new Array(); // array for sorting photos var occasion_array =3D new Array(); var photonum =3D 0; var thbnl_array =3D new Array(); var caption_array =3D new Array(); var latest_array =3D new Array(); var found =3D false; var popup_width =3D 0; var popup_height =3D 0; =09 latest_array=3D occasion.split("#"); for (i =3D photo_array.length - 1; i >=3D 0 ; i--) { if (photo_array[i] !=3D=3D not_defined) { occasion_array =3D photo_array[i][9].split("#"); =09 for (j =3D 0; j < occasion_array.length; j++) { for (k =3D 0; k < latest_array.length; k++) { if ((occasion_array[j] =3D=3D latest_array[k]) || (latest_array[k] = =3D=3D "")) { sorted_array[p] =3D [photo_array[i][0].slice(6, 10), = photo_array[i][0].slice(3, 5), photo_array[i][0].slice(0, 2), i]; p =3D p + 1; break; } } } } } if (sorted_array.length > 0) { sorted_array.sort(); photonum =3D parseInt(sorted_array[sorted_array.length - 1][3], 10); caption_array =3D photo_array[photonum][language].split("#"); =09 popup_width =3D parseInt(photo_array[photonum][6], 10) + 20; var numlines =3D Math.ceil(((photo_array[photonum][0].length + 2 + = photo_array[photonum][language].length) * 6.5) / popup_width); popup_height =3D parseInt(photo_array[photonum][7], 10) + 60 + = (numlines * 22); document.writeln("

"); document.write(""); document.writeln("
" + = photo_array[photonum][0] + "
"); if (caption_array.length > 1) { document.writeln(caption_array[1] + "

"); } else { document.writeln(caption_array[0] + "

"); } document.writeln("

More photos

"); } return false; } function insertSlideshow(slides, title, language, year) { var caption_array =3D new Array(); var slide_array =3D new Array(); var i =3D 0; var maxheight =3D 0; var maxwidth =3D 0; var maxletters =3D 0; slide_array =3D slides.split("!"); for (i =3D 0; i < slide_array.length; i++) { caption_array =3D photo_array[slide_array[i]][language].split("#"); if (caption_array[0].length > maxletters) { maxletters =3D caption_array[0].length; } if (parseInt(photo_array[slide_array[i]][6], 10) > maxwidth) { maxwidth =3D parseInt(photo_array[slide_array[i]][6], 10); } if (parseInt(photo_array[slide_array[i]][7], 10) > maxheight) { maxheight =3D parseInt(photo_array[slide_array[i]][7], 10); } } var numlines =3D Math.ceil((maxletters * 6) / maxwidth); maxwidth =3D maxwidth + 20; maxheight =3D maxheight + 80 + (numlines * 22); document.writeln("

" + = showtitle_array[language] + ": " + title + "

"); } function insertOccasionSlideshow(occasion, title, language, year) { var caption_array =3D new Array(); var slide_array =3D new Array(); var occasion_array =3D new Array(); var slides =3D ""; var i =3D 0; var k =3D 0; var maxheight =3D 0; var maxwidth =3D 0; var maxletters =3D 0; =09 for (i =3D photo_array.length - 1; i >=3D 0 ; i--) { if (photo_array[i] !=3D=3D not_defined) { occasion_array =3D photo_array[i][9].split("#"); =09 for (j =3D 0; j < occasion_array.length; j++) { if (occasion_array[j] =3D=3D occasion) { slide_array[k] =3D i; k =3D k + 1; break; } } } } =09 for (i =3D 0; i < slide_array.length; i++) { caption_array =3D photo_array[slide_array[i]][language].split("#"); if (caption_array[0].length > maxletters) { maxletters =3D caption_array[0].length; } if (parseInt(photo_array[slide_array[i]][6], 10) > maxwidth) { maxwidth =3D parseInt(photo_array[slide_array[i]][6], 10); } if (parseInt(photo_array[slide_array[i]][7], 10) > maxheight) { maxheight =3D parseInt(photo_array[slide_array[i]][7], 10); } } var numlines =3D Math.ceil((maxletters * 6) / maxwidth); maxwidth =3D maxwidth + 20; maxheight =3D maxheight + 80 + (numlines * 22); slides =3D slide_array.join("!"); document.writeln("

> " = + showtitle_array[language] + ": " + title + "

"); } function insertLargeOccasionSlideshow(occasion, title, language, year, = width, height) { var caption_array =3D new Array(); var slide_array =3D new Array(); var occasion_array =3D new Array(); var slides =3D ""; var i =3D 0; var k =3D 0; var maxheight =3D 0; var maxwidth =3D 0; var maxletters =3D 0; =09 for (i =3D photo_array.length - 1; i >=3D 0 ; i--) { if (photo_array[i] !=3D=3D not_defined) { occasion_array =3D photo_array[i][9].split("#"); =09 for (j =3D 0; j < occasion_array.length; j++) { if (occasion_array[j] =3D=3D occasion) { slide_array[k] =3D i; k =3D k + 1; break; } } } } =09 for (i =3D 0; i < slide_array.length; i++) { caption_array =3D photo_array[slide_array[i]][language].split("#"); if (caption_array[0].length > maxletters) { maxletters =3D caption_array[0].length; } //if (parseInt(photo_array[slide_array[i]][6], 10) > maxwidth) // { // maxwidth =3D parseInt(photo_array[slide_array[i]][6], 10); // } // if (parseInt(photo_array[slide_array[i]][7], 10) > maxheight) // { // maxheight =3D parseInt(photo_array[slide_array[i]][7], 10); // } } maxwidth =3D width + 20; var numlines =3D Math.ceil((maxletters * 6) / maxwidth); maxheight =3D height + 80 + (numlines * 22); slides =3D slide_array.join("!"); document.writeln("

> " = + showtitle_array[language] + ": " + title + "

"); } // This function displays the an image and its caption in the popup = window function insertSelectedPhoto(id, language, year, align) { var i =3D 0; var j =3D 0; var k =3D 0; var occasion_array =3D new Array(); var thbnl_array =3D new Array(); var caption_array =3D new Array(); var latest_array =3D new Array(); var found =3D false; var popup_width =3D 0; var popup_height =3D 0; =09 caption_array =3D photo_array[id][language].split("#"); =09 popup_width =3D parseInt(photo_array[id][6]) + 20; var numlines =3D Math.ceil(((photo_array[id][0].length + 2 + = photo_array[id][language].length) * 6.5) / popup_width); popup_height =3D parseInt(photo_array[id][7]) + 60 + (numlines * 22); // document.writeln("

" + = lasttitle_array[language] + ":
"); if (align =3D=3D "R") { document.write("

"); } else { document.write("

"); } document.write(""); if (photo_array[id][8] =3D=3D 1) { thbnl_array =3D photo_array[id][4].split("."); document.write("
"); } else { document.write(""); } document.writeln("

"); document.writeln(photo_array[id][0] + "
"); document.writeln(caption_array[0] + "

"); return false; } // This function displays the an image and its caption in the popup = window function showInlinePhoto(id, language, year, align) { var i =3D 0; var j =3D 0; var k =3D 0; var occasion_array =3D new Array(); var thbnl_array =3D new Array(); var caption_array =3D new Array(); var latest_array =3D new Array(); var found =3D false; var popup_width =3D 0; var popup_height =3D 0; =09 caption_array =3D photo_array[id][language].split("#"); =09 popup_width =3D parseInt(photo_array[id][6]) + 20; var numlines =3D Math.ceil(((photo_array[id][0].length + 2 + = photo_array[id][language].length) * 6.5) / popup_width); popup_height =3D parseInt(photo_array[id][7]) + 60 + (numlines * 22); // document.writeln("

" + = lasttitle_array[language] + ":
"); document.write(""); if (photo_array[id][8] =3D=3D 1) { thbnl_array =3D photo_array[id][4].split("."); document.write(""); } else { document.write(""); } document.writeln(""); return false; } // This function displays the latest photo that does not have the = category visit function insertLastNonVisitPhoto(language, year) { var i =3D 0; var j =3D 0; var k =3D 0; var p =3D 0; var sorted_array =3D new Array(); // array for sorting photos var photonum =3D 0; var occasion_array =3D new Array(); var thbnl_array =3D new Array(); var caption_array =3D new Array(); var found =3D false; var popup_width =3D 0; var popup_height =3D 0; =09 for (i =3D photo_array.length - 1; i >=3D 0 ; i--) { if (photo_array[i] !=3D=3D not_defined) { found =3D false; occasion_array =3D photo_array[i][9].split("#"); =09 for (j =3D 0; j < occasion_array.length; j++) { if (occasion_array[j] !=3D "V") { sorted_array[p] =3D [photo_array[i][0].slice(6, 10), = photo_array[i][0].slice(3, 5), photo_array[i][0].slice(0, 2), i]; p =3D p + 1; break; } } } } if (sorted_array.length > 0) { sorted_array.sort(); photonum =3D parseInt(sorted_array[sorted_array.length - 1][3]); caption_array =3D photo_array[photonum][language].split("#"); =09 popup_width =3D parseInt(photo_array[photonum][6]) + 20; var numlines =3D Math.ceil(((photo_array[photonum][0].length + 2 + = photo_array[photonum][language].length) * 6.5) / popup_width); popup_height =3D parseInt(photo_array[photonum][7]) + 60 + (numlines * = 22); document.writeln("

" + = lasttitle_array[language] + ":
"); document.write(""); if (photo_array[photonum][8] =3D=3D 1) { thbnl_array =3D photo_array[photonum][4].split("."); document.write("
"); } else { document.write(""); } document.writeln("

"); document.writeln(photo_array[photonum][0] + "
"); document.writeln(caption_array[0] + "

"); } return false; } // This function displays the an image and if you click on it a = slideshow is launched in a popup window function insertLatestPhotoSlideshow(occasion, title, language, year) { var i =3D 0; var j =3D 0; var k =3D 0; var occasion_array =3D new Array(); var thbnl_array =3D new Array(); var caption_array =3D new Array(); var latest_array =3D new Array(); var found =3D false; var popup_width =3D 0; var popup_height =3D 0; var caption_array =3D new Array(); var slide_array =3D new Array(); var slides =3D ""; var maxheight =3D 0; var maxwidth =3D 0; var maxletters =3D 0; var latest_photo_id =3D 0; var photo_caption =3D new Array(); =09 for (i =3D photo_array.length - 1; i >=3D 0 ; i--) { if (photo_array[i] !=3D=3D not_defined) { occasion_array =3D photo_array[i][9].split("#"); =09 for (j =3D 0; j < occasion_array.length; j++) { if (occasion_array[j] =3D=3D occasion) { if (latest_photo_id =3D=3D 0) { latest_photo_id =3D i; } slide_array[k] =3D i; k =3D k + 1; break; } } } } =09 if (latest_photo_id !=3D 0) { for (i =3D 0; i < slide_array.length; i++) { caption_array =3D photo_array[slide_array[i]][language].split("#"); if (caption_array[0].length > maxletters) { maxletters =3D caption_array[0].length; } if (parseInt(photo_array[slide_array[i]][6]) > maxwidth) { maxwidth =3D parseInt(photo_array[slide_array[i]][6]); } if (parseInt(photo_array[slide_array[i]][7]) > maxheight) { maxheight =3D parseInt(photo_array[slide_array[i]][7]); } } var numlines =3D Math.ceil((maxletters * 6) / maxwidth); maxwidth =3D maxwidth + 20; maxheight =3D maxheight + 80 + (numlines * 22); slides =3D slide_array.join("!"); document.writeln("

" + = showtitle_array[language] + ":
"); document.write(""); if (photo_array[latest_photo_id][8] =3D=3D 1) { thbnl_array =3D photo_array[latest_photo_id][4].split("."); document.write("
"); } else { document.write(""); } document.writeln("

"); document.writeln(photo_array[latest_photo_id][0] + "
"); photo_caption =3D photo_array[latest_photo_id][language].split("#"); document.writeln(photo_caption[0] + "

"); } return false; } // This function displays the an image and if you click on it a = slideshow is launched in a popup window function insertLatestPhotoSlideshow2(occasion, title, language, year) { var i =3D 0; var j =3D 0; var k =3D 0; var occasion_array =3D new Array(); var thbnl_array =3D new Array(); var caption_array =3D new Array(); var latest_array =3D new Array(); var found =3D false; var popup_width =3D 0; var popup_height =3D 0; var caption_array =3D new Array(); var slide_array =3D new Array(); var slides =3D ""; var maxheight =3D 0; var maxwidth =3D 0; var maxletters =3D 0; var latest_photo_id =3D 0; var photo_caption =3D new Array(); =09 for (i =3D photo_array.length - 1; i >=3D 0 ; i--) { if (photo_array[i] !=3D=3D not_defined) { occasion_array =3D photo_array[i][9].split("#"); =09 for (j =3D 0; j < occasion_array.length; j++) { if ((occasion_array[j] =3D=3D occasion) && (photo_array[i][7] < = 400)) { if (latest_photo_id =3D=3D 0) { latest_photo_id =3D i; } slide_array[k] =3D i; k =3D k + 1; break; } } } } =09 if (latest_photo_id !=3D 0) { for (i =3D 0; i < slide_array.length; i++) { caption_array =3D photo_array[slide_array[i]][language].split("#"); if (caption_array[0].length > maxletters) { maxletters =3D caption_array[0].length; } if (parseInt(photo_array[slide_array[i]][6]) > maxwidth) { maxwidth =3D parseInt(photo_array[slide_array[i]][6]); } if (parseInt(photo_array[slide_array[i]][7]) > maxheight) { maxheight =3D parseInt(photo_array[slide_array[i]][7]); } } var numlines =3D Math.ceil((maxletters * 6) / maxwidth); maxwidth =3D maxwidth + 20; maxheight =3D maxheight + 80 + (numlines * 22); slides =3D slide_array.join("!"); document.write(""); if (photo_array[latest_photo_id][8] =3D=3D 1) { thbnl_array =3D photo_array[latest_photo_id][4].split("."); document.write("
"); } else { document.write(""); } document.writeln("
"); } return false; } // This function displays the an image and its caption in the popup = window function insertIndexLatestPhoto(occasion, language, year) { var i =3D 0; var j =3D 0; var k =3D 0; var occasion_array =3D new Array(); var thbnl_array =3D new Array(); var caption_array =3D new Array(); var latest_array =3D new Array(); var found =3D false; var popup_width =3D 0; var popup_height =3D 0; =09 latest_array =3D occasion.split("#"); for (i =3D photo_array.length - 1; i >=3D 0 ; i--) { if (photo_array[i] !=3D=3D not_defined) { occasion_array =3D photo_array[i][9].split("#"); =09 for (j =3D 0; j < occasion_array.length; j++) { for (k =3D 0; k < latest_array.length; k++) { if (occasion_array[j] =3D=3D latest_array[k]) { found =3D true; break; } } } if (found =3D=3D true) { caption_array =3D photo_array[i][language].split("#"); =09 // popup_width =3D parseInt(photo_array[i][6]) + 20; // var numlines =3D Math.ceil(((photo_array[i][0].length + 2 + = photo_array[i][language].length) * 6.5) / popup_width); // popup_height =3D parseInt(photo_array[i][7]) + 60 + (numlines * = 22); document.writeln("

" + = lasttitle_array[language] + ":
"); document.write("" + = caption_array[0] + "
" + click_photo_array[language] + "\')\" = onmouseout=3D\"writetxt(0)\">"); if (photo_array[i][8] =3D=3D 1) { thbnl_array =3D photo_array[i][4].split("."); document.write("
"); } else { document.write(""); } document.writeln("

"); break; } } } return false; } // This function displays the the selected photo which when clicked = generates a slideshow, on next line is a text link to slideshow function insertPhotoSlideshow(selected_photo_id, occasion, title, = language, year) { var i =3D 0; var j =3D 0; var k =3D 0; var occasion_array =3D new Array(); var thbnl_array =3D new Array(); var caption_array =3D new Array(); var latest_array =3D new Array(); var found =3D false; var popup_width =3D 0; var popup_height =3D 0; var caption_array =3D new Array(); var slide_array =3D new Array(); var slides =3D ""; var maxheight =3D 0; var maxwidth =3D 0; var maxletters =3D 0; var photo_caption =3D new Array(); =09 for (i =3D photo_array.length - 1; i >=3D 0 ; i--) { if (photo_array[i] !=3D=3D not_defined) { occasion_array =3D photo_array[i][9].split("#"); =09 for (j =3D 0; j < occasion_array.length; j++) { if (occasion_array[j] =3D=3D occasion) { slide_array[k] =3D i; k =3D k + 1; break; } } } } =09 for (i =3D 0; i < slide_array.length; i++) { caption_array =3D photo_array[slide_array[i]][language].split("#"); if (caption_array[0].length > maxletters) { maxletters =3D caption_array[0].length; } if (parseInt(photo_array[slide_array[i]][6]) > maxwidth) { maxwidth =3D parseInt(photo_array[slide_array[i]][6]); } if (parseInt(photo_array[slide_array[i]][7]) > maxheight) { maxheight =3D parseInt(photo_array[slide_array[i]][7]); } } var numlines =3D Math.ceil((maxletters * 6) / maxwidth); maxwidth =3D maxwidth + 20; maxheight =3D maxheight + 80 + (numlines * 22); slides =3D slide_array.join("!"); document.write(""); if (photo_array[selected_photo_id][8] =3D=3D 1) { thbnl_array =3D photo_array[selected_photo_id][4].split("."); document.write("
"); } else { document.write(""); } document.writeln("

"); =09 document.writeln("> " + showtitle_array[language] + = "
"); return false; } // displays photo gallery as one large image with smaller thumbnails = underneath function showLargePhotoGallery(occasion, date, language, position) { var i =3D 0; var j =3D 0; var p =3D 0; var photonum =3D 0; var image_pos =3D 0; var new_position =3D 0; var photo_position =3D "" var occasion_array =3D new Array(); var thbnl_array =3D new Array(); var caption_array =3D new Array(); var sorted_array =3D new Array(); // array for sorting photos var max_width =3D 0; var max_height =3D 0; var page_array =3D new Array(); var total_width =3D 0; for (i =3D photo_array.length - 1; i >=3D 0 ; i--) {=09 if (photo_array[i] !=3D=3D not_defined) {=20 if ((photo_array[i][0] =3D=3D date) || (date =3D=3D "")) { occasion_array =3D photo_array[i][9].split("#"); =09 for (j =3D 0; j < occasion_array.length; j++) { if (occasion_array[j] =3D=3D occasion) { sorted_array[p] =3D [photo_array[i][0].slice(6, 10), = photo_array[i][0].slice(3, 5), photo_array[i][0].slice(0, 2), i+100000, = i]; if (photo_array[i][6] > max_width) { max_width =3D photo_array[i][6]; } if (photo_array[i][7] > max_height) { max_height =3D photo_array[i][7]; } p =3D p + 1; break; } } } } } // max_width =3D 600; if (sorted_array.length > 0) { sorted_array.sort(); page_array =3D wto_path.split("?"); if (date !=3D "") { document.writeln("

" + = parseInt(date.slice(0, 2), 10) + " " + = month_names[language][parseInt(date.slice(3, 5), 10)] + " " + = date.slice(6, 10) + "

"); } document.writeln(""); if (position !=3D 0) { photo_position =3D position - 1; } else { photo_position =3D position; } photonum =3D parseInt(sorted_array[photo_position][4], 10); document.write(""); caption_array =3D photo_array[photonum][language].split("#"); if (caption_array.length > 1) { document.write(""); } else { document.write(""); } document.write(""); document.write("
"); if (photo_array[photonum][10] =3D=3D 1) { thbnl_array =3D photo_array[photonum][4].split("."); document.write(""); // document.write(""); document.write(""); } else { document.write(""); } document.write("

" + = caption_array[1] + "

" + = caption_array[0] + "

"); if (position =3D=3D 1) { document.write("

< " + = prev_text_array[language] + "

"); } else { new_position =3D parseInt(position, 10) - 1; document.write("

< " + prev_text_array[language] = + "

"); } document.writeln("
 "); if (position =3D=3D sorted_array.length) { document.write("

" + = next_text_array[language] + " >

"); } else { new_position =3D parseInt(position, 10) + 1; document.write("

" + next_text_array[language] + = " >

"); } document.write("

"); for (p =3D 0; p < sorted_array.length; p++) { thbnl_array =3D photo_array[sorted_array[p][4]][4].split("."); caption_array =3D = photo_array[sorted_array[p][4]][language].split("#"); if (p =3D=3D photo_position) { document.write("  "); } else { image_pos =3D p + 1; document.write("  "); } total_width =3D total_width + 90; if (total_width >=3D max_width) { document.write("
"); total_width =3D 0; } } document.writeln("

"); } return false; } function getLastDate(occasion) { var i =3D 0; var j =3D 0; var p =3D 0; var occasion_array =3D new Array(); var sorted_array =3D new Array(); // array for sorting photos var lastDate =3D ""; for (i =3D photo_array.length - 1; i >=3D 0 ; i--) {=09 if (photo_array[i] !=3D=3D not_defined) {=20 occasion_array =3D photo_array[i][9].split("#"); =09 for (j =3D 0; j < occasion_array.length; j++) { if (occasion_array[j] =3D=3D occasion) { sorted_array[p] =3D [photo_array[i][0].slice(6, 10), = photo_array[i][0].slice(3, 5), photo_array[i][0].slice(0, 2), = photo_array[i][0]]; p =3D p + 1; break; } } } } if (sorted_array.length > 0) { sorted_array.sort(); lastDate =3D sorted_array[sorted_array.length - 1][3] } return lastDate; =09 } // displays photo gallery as one large image with smaller thumbnails = underneath function listPhotoDates(occasion, language, alignment) { var i =3D 0; var j =3D 0; var p =3D 0; var q =3D 0; var z =3D 0; var date_found =3D 0; var occasion_array =3D new Array(); var date_array =3D new Array(); var page_array =3D new Array(); var variables_array =3D new Array(); var temp_array =3D new Array(); =09 for (i =3D 0; i < photo_array.length; i++) {=09 if (photo_array[i] !=3D=3D not_defined) {=20 occasion_array =3D photo_array[i][9].split("#"); =09 for (j =3D 0; j < occasion_array.length; j++) { if (occasion_array[j] =3D=3D occasion) { date_found =3D 0; for (q =3D 0; q < date_array.length; q++) { if (photo_array[i][0] =3D=3D date_array[q][3]) { date_found =3D 1; break; } } if (date_found =3D=3D 0) { date_array[p] =3D [photo_array[i][0].slice(6, 10), = photo_array[i][0].slice(3, 5), photo_array[i][0].slice(0, 2), = photo_array[i][0]]; p =3D p + 1; break; } } } } } =09 if (date_array.length !=3D 0) date_array.sort(); { page_array =3D wto_path.split("?"); if (page_array.length > 1) { variables_array =3D page_array[1].split("&"); for (z =3D 0; z < variables_array.length; z++) { temp_array =3D variables_array[z].split("=3D"); if (temp_array[0] =3D=3D "display_date") { series_date =3D temp_array[1]; } } } document.writeln("

" + photos_from[language] + ""); for (i =3D 0; i < date_array.length; i++) { document.writeln("
> "); if (date_array[i][3] =3D=3D series_date) { document.writeln(parseInt(date_array[i][2], 10) + " " + = month_names[language][parseInt(date_array[i][1], 10)] + " " + = date_array[i][0]); } else { document.writeln("" + parseInt(date_array[i][2], 10) + " " + = month_names[language][parseInt(date_array[i][1], 10)] + " " + = date_array[i][0] + ""); } } document.writeln("

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> " + photo_gallery[language] + "
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Mr. = Matsuoka briefed the DG on Japan's positions on agriculture negotiations = and reaffirmed his support for an early resumption of the negotiations. = The Director General congratulated Mr. Matsuoka on his recent = appointment, shared his views on agricultural issues and expressed his = wish to work closely with Japan for a successful conclusion of the Doha = Round.", // English caption "M. Matsuoka, Ministre japonais de l'agriculture, de la for=EAt et = de la p=EAche#Le mardi 7 novembre 2006, le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral a = rencontr=E9 M. Matsuoka, Ministre japonais de l'agriculture, de la = for=EAt et de la p=EAche. M. Matsuoka a indiqu=E9 au DG quelles = =E9taient les positions du Japon sur les n=E9gociations sur = l'agriculture et r=E9affirm=E9 son soutien =E0 une reprise rapide des = n=E9gociations. Le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral a f=E9licit=E9 M. Matsuoka de = sa r=E9cente nomination, partag=E9 ses vues sur les questions agricoles = et exprim=E9 son souhait de collaborer =E9troitement avec le Japon pour = mener =E0 bien le Cycle de Doha.", // French caption "Sr. Matsuoka, Ministro de Agricultura, Silvicultura y Pesca del = Jap=F3n#El martes 7 de noviembre de 2006, el Director General se = reuni=F3 con el Sr. Matsuoka, Ministro de Agricultura, Silvicultura y = Pesca del Jap=F3n. El Sr. Matsuoka inform=F3 al Director General de la = posici=F3n del Jap=F3n con respecto a las negociaciones sobre la = agricultura y reafirm=F3 su apoyo a la pronta reanudaci=F3n de las = negociaciones. El Director General felicit=F3 al Sr.Matsuoka por su = reciente nombramiento, comparti=F3 sus opiniones sobre las cuestiones = agr=EDcolas y expres=F3 su deseo de trabajar estrechamente con el = Jap=F3n para concluir satisfactoriamente la Ronda de Doha.", // Spanish = caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_m_japan2.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PL#V", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[178] =3D [ "13.12.2006", // date ( "H.E. Mr. Sten Tolgfors, Minister for Foreign Trade of Sweden#On = Wednesday 13th December 2006 the Director-General met with H.E. Mr. Sten = Tolgfors, Minister for Foreign Trade of Sweden. They discussed the state = of play of the DDA and the risks for the multilteral system if the = current negotiations do not conclude soon.", // English caption "S.E. M. Sten Tolgfors, Ministre su=E9dois du commerce = ext=E9rieur#Le mercredi 15 d=E9cembre 2006, le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral a = rencontr=E9 S.E. M. Sten Tolgfors, Ministre su=E9dois du commerce = ext=E9rieur. Ils ont discut=E9 de l'=E9tat actuel du PDD et des risques = pour le syst=E8me multilat=E9ral si les n=E9gociations en cours ne sont = pas conclues prochainement.", // French caption "Excmo. Sr. Sten Tolgfors, Ministro de Comercio Exterior de = Suecia#El mi=E9rcoles 13 de diciembre de 2006, el Director General se = reuni=F3 con el Excmo. Sr. Sten Tolgfors, Ministro de Comercio Exterior = de Suecia. Debatieron sobre la situaci=F3n del PDD y los riesgos que = entra=F1ar=EDa para el sistema multilateral que las negociaciones en = curso no concluyeran pronto.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_st_sweden.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PL#V", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[177] =3D [ "05.12.2006", // date ( "Mr Milan Parivodic Minister of international economic relations = of Serbia#On Tuesday 5 December 2006 the Director-General met with Mr = Milan Parivodic Minister of international economic relations of Serbia. = They discussed the state of play of Serbia's accession process to the = WTO.", // English caption "M. Milan Parivodic, Ministre des relations =E9conomiques = internationales de la Serbie#Le mardi 5 d=E9cembre 2006, le Directeur = g=E9n=E9ral a rencontr=E9 M. Milan Parivodic, Ministre des relations = =E9conomiques internationales de la Serbie. Ils ont discut=E9 de = l'=E9tat d'avancement du processus d'accession de la Serbie =E0 l'OMC.", = // French caption "Sr. Milan Parivodic, Ministro de Relaciones Econ=F3micas = Internacionales de Serbia#El martes 5 de diciembre de 2006, el Director = General se reuni=F3 con el Sr. Milan Parivodic, Ministro de Relaciones = Econ=F3micas Internacionales de Serbia. Analizaron el estado del proceso = de adhesi=F3n de Serbia a la OMC.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_mp_serbia06.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "V#PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[176] =3D [ "27.11.2006", // date ( "Participants in the 27=9629 November 2006 WTO Workshop on the = TRIPS Agreement and Public Health", // English caption "Participants =E0 l=92Atelier de l=92OMC sur l=92Accord sur les = ADPIC et la sant=E9 publique tenu du 27 au 29 novembre 2006", // French = caption "Participantes en el Taller de la OMC relativo al Acuerdo sobre = los ADPIC y la salud p=FAblica celebrado los d=EDas 27 a 29 de noviembre = de 2006", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mews/trips_wp_nov06.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 =3D = Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[175] =3D [ "20.11.2006", // date ( "Mr Warren Truss, Trade Minister of Australia#On Monday 20 = November 2006 the Director-General met with the Trade Minister, Mr = Warren Truss of Australia. They discussed the state of the negotiations = under the Doha Round, focussing in particular on a the agriculture = negotiations. ", // English caption "M. Warren Truss, Ministre du commerce de l=92Australie#Le lundi = 20 novembre 2006, le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral a rencontr=E9 le Ministre du = commerce de l=92Australie, M. Warren Truss. Ils ont discut=E9 de = l=92avancement des n=E9gociations du Cycle de Doha et en particulier des = n=E9gociations sur l=92agriculture.", // French caption "Sr. Warren Truss, el Ministro de Comercio de Australia#El lunes = 20 de noviembre de 2006 el Director General se reuni=F3 con el Ministro = de Comercio de Australia, Sr. Warren Truss. Hablaron sobre la = situaci=F3n de las negociaciones en el marco de la Ronda de Doha, = centr=E1ndose en particular en las negociaciones sobre la agricultura.", = // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_wt_australia.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "V", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 =3D = Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[174] =3D [ "15.11.2006", // date ( "Director-General Pascal Lamy (L) and Peru Foreign Trade and = Tourism Minister Dr. Mercedes Araoz, Hanoi 15 November 2006.", // = English caption "Le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral, M. Pascal Lamy (=E0 g.) et M. Mercedes = Araoz, Ministre du commere ext=E9rieur et du tourisme du P=E9rou, =E0 = Hano=EF, le 15 novembre 2006.", // French caption "El Director General, Pascal Lamy (a la izquierda), y la Ministra = de Comercio Exterior y Turismo del Per=FA, Dra. Mercedes Araoz, en = Hanoi, el 15 de noviembre de 2006.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_ma_peru.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[173] =3D [ "15.11.2006", // date ( "Director-General Pascal Lamy (L) and Indonesian Trade Minister = Marie Pangestu, Hanoi 15 November 2006.", // English caption "Le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral, M. Pascal Lamy (=E0 g.) et Mme Marie = Pangestu, Ministre du commerce indon=E9sien, =E0 Hano=EF, le 15 novembre = 2006.", // French caption "El Director General, Pascal Lamy (a la izquierda), y la Ministra = de Comercio de Indonesia, Marie Pangestu, en Hanoi, el 15 de noviembre = de 2006.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_mp_indonesia.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[172] =3D [ "15.11.2006", // date ( "Director-General Pascal Lamy (L) and Viet Nam=92s Prime Minister = Nguyen Tan Dung meet at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) = summit in Hanoi November 15, 2006.", // English caption "Le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral, M. Pascal Lamy (=E0 g.) et le Premier = ministre du Viet Nam, M. Nguyen Tan Dung, se rencontrent au sommet du = Forum =E9conomique Asie-Pacifique (APEC) =E0 Hanoi, le 15 novembre = 2006.", // French caption "El Director General, Pascal Lamy (a la izquierda), y el Primer = Ministro de Viet Nam, Nguyen Tan Dung, se reunieron en la cumbre del = Foro de Cooperaci=F3n Econ=F3mica de Asia y el Pac=EDfico (APEC) = celebrada en Hanoi el 15 de noviembre de 2006.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_ntd_vietnam_apec.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[171] =3D [ "07.11.2006", // date ( "Left to right: Director-General Pascal Lamy, Vietnamese Deputy = Prime Minister Pham Gia Khiem, Vietnamese Trade Minister Truong Dinh = Tuyen.", // English caption "De gauche =E0 droite: Le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral, M. Pascal Lamy, = le Vice-Premier ministre du Viet Nam, M. Pham Gia Khiem, le Ministre du = commerce du Viet Nam, M. Truong Dinh Tuyen.", // French caption "De izquierda a derecha: El Director General Pascal Lamy, El = Viceprimer Ministro de Viet Nam, Pham Gia Khiem, el Ministro de Comercio = de Viet Nam, Truong Dinh Tuyen.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_pgk_tdt_vietnam.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[170] =3D [ "07.11.2006", // date ( "Left to right: Director-General Pascal Lamy and Vietnamese Trade = Minister Truong Dinh Tuyen.", // English caption "De gauche =E0 droite: Le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral, M. Pascal Lamy et = le Ministre du commerce du Viet Nam, M. Truong Dinh Tuyen.", // French = caption "De izquierda a derecha: El Director General Pascal Lamy y el = Ministro de Comercio de Viet Nam, Truong Dinh Tuyen.", // Spanish = caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_tdt_vietnam.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 =3D = Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[169] =3D [ "07.11.2006", // date ( "H.E. Mr Pham Gia Khiem, Deputy Prime Minister, Chairman of the = National Committee for International Economic Cooperation, Minister of = Foreign Affairs and H.E. Mr Truong Dinh Tuyen Minister of Trade of = Vietnam.#On Tuesday 7th November 2006 the Director-General met with H.E. = Mr Pham Gia Khiem, Deputy Prime Minister, Chairman of the National = Committee for International Economic Cooperation, Minister of Foreign = Affairs and H.E. Mr Truong Dinh Tuyen Minister of Trade of Vietnam. The = Director General congratulated Viet Nam on its accession to the WTO and = praised the Government=92s political commitment to economic reforms and = integration into the world economy. The Deputy Prime Minister expressed = his appreciation for the Director General=92s constant support on Viet = Nam=92s accession and indicated that Viet Nam will play a positive and = constructive role in the organization in the future.", // English = caption "Son Excellence M. Pham Gia Khiem, Vice-Premier Ministre, = Pr=E9sident du Comit=E9 national pour la coop=E9ration =E9conomique = internationale et Ministre des affaires =E9trang=E8res, et son = Excellence M. Truong Dinh Tuyen, Ministre du commerce du Viet Nam.#Le = mardi 7 novembre 2006, le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral a rencontr=E9 son = Excellence M. Pham Gia Khiem, Vice-Premier Ministre, Pr=E9sident du = Comit=E9 national pour la coop=E9ration =E9conomique internationale et = Ministre des affaires =E9trang=E8res, et son Excellence M. Truong Dinh = Tuyen, Ministre du commerce du Viet Nam. M. Lamy a f=E9licit=E9 le Viet = Nam pour son accession =E0 l=92OMC et a salu=E9 la volont=E9 politique = du gouvernement de mener des r=E9formes =E9conomiques et d=92int=E9grer = le pays dans l=92=E9conomie mondiale. Le Vice-Premier Ministre a = remerci=E9 le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral de son soutien constant en faveur de = l=92accession du Viet Nam et a dit que son pays jouerait, dans le futur, = un r=F4le positif et constructif au sein de l=92Organisation.", // = French caption "Excmo. Sr. Pham Gia Khiem, Viceprimer Ministro, Presidente del = Comit=E9 Nacional de Cooperaci=F3n Econ=F3mica Internacional, Ministro = de Asuntos Exteriores y el Excmo. Sr.Truong Dinh Tuyen, Ministro de = Comercio de Viet Nam.#El 7 de noviembre de 2006 el Director General se = reuni=F3 con el Excmo. Sr. Pham Gia Khiem, Viceprimer Ministro, = Presidente del Comit=E9 Nacional de Cooperaci=F3n Econ=F3mica = Internacional, Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores y el Excmo. Sr.Truong Dinh = Tuyen, Ministro de Comercio de Viet Nam. El Director General felicit=F3 = a Viet Nam por su adhesi=F3n a la OMC y elogi=F3 el compromiso = pol=EDtico del gobierno con respecto a la realizaci=F3n de reformas = econ=F3micas y la integraci=F3n a la econom=EDa mundial. El Viceprimer = Ministro expres=F3 su agradecimiento al Director General por el apoyo = constante a la adhesi=F3n de viet Nam y se=F1al=F3 que Viet Nam = desempe=F1ar=E1 un papel positivo y constructivo en la Organizaci=F3n en = el futuro.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_pgk_vietnam.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "V", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 =3D = Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[168] =3D [ "07.11.2006", // date ( "Left to right: Director-General Pascal Lamy, General Council and = Viet Nam Working Party chair Eirik Glenne, Vietnamese Deputy Prime = Minister Pham Gia Khiem.", // English caption "De gauche =E0 droite: Le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral, M. Pascal Lamy, = le Pr=E9sident du Groupe de travail de l=92accession du Viet Nam et = Pr=E9sident du Conseil G=E9n=E9ral, M. Eirik Glenn, le Vice-Premier = ministre du Viet Nam, M. Pham Gia Khiem.", // French caption "De izquierda a derecha: El Director General Pascal Lamy, el = Presidente del Consejo General y del Grupo de Trabajo sobre la = adhesi=F3n de Viet Nam, Eirik Glenne, el Viceprimer Ministro de Viet = Nam, Pham Gia Khiem.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_pgk_vietnam.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[167] =3D [ "07.11.2006", // date ( "Left to right: Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Pham Gia Khiem, = Vietnamese Trade Minister Truong Dinh Tuyen.", // English caption "De gauche =E0 droite: Le Vice-Premier ministre du Viet Nam, M. = Pham Gia Khiem, le Ministre du commerce du Viet Nam, M. Truong Dinh = Tuyen.", // French caption "De izquierda a derecha: El Viceprimer Ministro de Viet Nam, Pham = Gia Khiem, el Ministro de Comercio de Viet Nam, Truong Dinh Tuyen.", // = Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pgk_tdt_vietnam.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 =3D = Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[166] =3D [ "24.10.2006", // date ( "Romano Prodi, Italian Premier#Director-General Pascal Lamy and = Italian Premier Romano Prodi share a laugh during a meeting at the = Premier=92s office in Rome (Reuters Photo)", // English caption "Mr Romano Prodi, Premier ministre italien#Le Directeur = g=E9n=E9ral, Pascal Lamy, et le Premier ministre italien, Romano Prodi, = partagent un moment de d=E9tente durant une r=E9union au bureau du = Pr=E9sident =E0 Rome (Reuters Photo)", // French caption "Excmo. Sr. Romano Prodi, Primer Ministro italiano#El Director = General Pascal Lamy y el Primer Ministro italiano Romano Prodi bromean = durante una reuni=F3n celebrada en el despacho del Primer Ministro en = Roma. (Foto de Reuters)", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_rp_italy.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[165] =3D [ "18.10.2006", // date ( "Pascal Lamy at the internet chat.", // English caption "M. Lamy lors de la discussion en ligne.", // French caption "Pascal Lamy durante la charla por Internet.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/dgchat1.jpg", // photo link "26", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[164] =3D [ "26.09.2006", // date ( "Mr. Pascal Lamy, WTO Director-General", // English caption "M. Pascal Lamy, Directeur g=E9n=E9ral de l=92OMC", // French = caption "Sr. Pascal Lamy, Director General de la OMC", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/pl_forum06.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[163] =3D [ "05.10.2006", // date ( "Hon. Mr. Alan Kyerematen, Minister of Trade, Industry, Private = Sector Development and Presidential Special Initiatives of Ghana#On = Thursday 5 October 2006 the Director-General met with Hon. Mr. Alan = Kyerematen, Minister of Trade, Industry, Private Sector Development and = Presidential Special Initiatives of Ghana. They exchanged views on the = DDA and the role of Africa in ongoing efforts to resume negotiations.", = // English caption "M. Alan Kyerematen, Ministre ghan=E9en du commerce, de = l=92industrie, du d=E9veloppement du secteur priv=E9 et des initiatives = pr=E9sidentielles sp=E9ciales#Le jeudi 5 octobre 2006, le Directeur = g=E9n=E9ral a rencontr=E9 M. Alan Kyerematen, Ministre ghan=E9en du = commerce, de l=92industrie, du d=E9veloppement du secteur priv=E9 et des = initiatives pr=E9sidentielles sp=E9ciales. Ils ont =E9chang=E9 des vues = sur le PDD et sur le r=F4le de l=92Afrique dans les efforts en cours = pour relancer les n=E9gociations.", // French caption "Excmo. Sr. Alan Kyerematen, Ministro de Comercio, Industria, = Desarrollo del Sector Privado e Iniciativas Presidenciales Especiales de = Ghana#El jueves 5 de octubre de 2006, el Director General se reuni=F3 = con el Excmo. Sr. Alan Kyerematen, Ministro de Comercio, Industria, = Desarrollo del Sector Privado e Iniciativas Presidenciales Especiales de = Ghana. Intercambiaron opiniones sobre el PDD y el papel de =C1frica en = los esfuerzos que se est=E1n realizando para reanudar las = negociaciones.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_ak_ghana.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "V", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 =3D = Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[162] =3D [ "04.10.2006", // date ( "Dr. Mukhisa Kituyi, Minister of Trade and Industry of Kenya#On = Wednesday 4 October 2006 the Director-General met with Dr. Mukhisa = Kituyi, Minister of Trade and Industry of Kenya. They discussed the = state of play in the DDA and the role of Kenya and the African Group in = restarting the negotiations.", // English caption "M. Mukhisa Kituyi, Ministre du commerce et de l=92industrie du = Kenya#Le mercredi 4 octobre 2006, le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral a rencontr=E9 = M. Mukhisa Kituyi, Ministre du commerce et de l=92industrie du Kenya. = Ils ont discut=E9 de la situation concernant le PDD et du r=F4le du = Kenya et du Groupe africain dans la reprise des n=E9gociations.", // = French caption "Dr. Mukhisa Kituyi, Ministro de Comercio e Industria de Kenya#El = mi=E9rcoles 4 de octubre de 2006, el Director General se reuni=F3 con el = Dr. Mukhisa Kituyi, Ministro de Comercio e Industria de Kenya. Hablaron = sobre la situaci=F3n del PDD y el papel de Kenya y el Grupo Africano en = la reanudaci=F3n de las negociaciones.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_mk_kenya.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "V", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 =3D = Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[161] =3D [ "04.10.2006", // date ( "Ms Paula Lehtom=E4ki, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development = of Finland#On Wednesday 4 October 2006 the Director-General met with = H.E. Ms Paula Lehtom=E4ki, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development of = Finland. They discussed the current state of the DDA negotiations and = the Aid for Trade initiative aimed at addressing capcity constraints in = developing countries.", // English caption "Mme Paula Lehtom=E4ki, Ministre finlandaise du commerce = ext=E9rieur et du d=E9veloppement#Le mercredi 4 octobre 2006, le = Directeur g=E9n=E9ral a rencontr=E9 S.E Mme Paula Lehtom=E4ki, Ministre = finlandaise du commerce ext=E9rieur et du d=E9veloppement. Ils ont = discut=E9 de l=92=E9tat des n=E9gociations dans le cadre du PDD et de = l=92initiative Aide pour le commerce visant =E0 r=E9pondre aux = probl=E8mes de capacit=E9s dans les pays en d=E9veloppement.", // = French caption "Sra. Paula Lehtom=E4ki, Ministra de Comercio Exterior y = Desarrollo de Finlandia#El mi=E9rcoles 4 de octubre de 2006 el Director = General se reuni=F3 con la Excma. Sra. Paula Lehtom=E4ki, Ministra de = Comercio Exterior y Desarrollo de Finlandia. Examinaron la situaci=F3n = actual de las negociaciones del PDD y la iniciativa de la ayuda para el = comercio destinada a abordar las limitaciones de la capacidad de los = pa=EDses en desarrollo.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_pl_finland.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "V", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 =3D = Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[160] =3D [ "04.10.2006", // date ( "Mr. Tom Donohue, President of US Chamber of Commerce#On Wednesday = 4 October 2006 the Director-General met with Tom Donohue, President of = US Chamber of Commerce. They exchanged views on the current suspension = of the DDA negotiations and its consequences for business.", // = English caption "M. Tom Donohue, Pr=E9sident de la Chambre de commerce des = =C9tats-Unis#Le mercredi 4 octobre 2006, le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral a = rencontr=E9 M. Tom Donohue, Pr=E9sident de la Chambre de commerce des = =C9tats-Unis. Ils ont =E9chang=E9 des vues sur la suspension des = n=E9gociations dans le cadre du PDD et ses cons=E9quences pour les = activit=E9s commerciales.", // French caption "Sr. Tom Donohue, Presidente de la C=E1mara de Comercio de los = Estados Unidos#El mi=E9rcoles 4 de octubre de 2006, el Director General = se reuni=F3 con el Sr. Tom Donohue, Presidente de la C=E1mara de = Comercio de los Estados Unidos. Intercambiaron opiniones sobre la actual = suspensi=F3n de las negociaciones del PDD y sus consecuencias para las = actividades comerciales.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_td_us.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "V", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 =3D = Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[159] =3D [ "02.10.2006", // date ( "Mr. Kaberuka, Head of the African Development Bank#On Monday 2 = October 2006, the Director-General met with Mr. Kaberuka, Head of the = African Development Bank. They exchanged views on the state of play in = the DDA and the contribution of the African Development Bank in the WTO = work program on Aid for Trade.", // English caption "M. Kaberuka, Chef de la Banque africaine de d=E9veloppement#Le = lundi 2 octobre 2006, le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral a rencontr=E9 M. = Kaberuka, Chef de la Banque africaine de d=E9veloppement. Ils ont = =E9chang=E9 des vues sur la situation concernant le PDD et la = contribution de la Banque africaine de d=E9veloppement au programme de = travail de l=92OMC intitul=E9 =93Aide pour le commerce=94.", // French = caption "Sr. Kaberuka, Director del Banco Africano de Desarrollo#El lunes = 2 de octubre de 2006, el Director General se reuni=F3 con el Sr. = Kaberuka, Director del Banco Africano de Desarrollo. Intercambiaron = opiniones sobre la situaci=F3n del PDD y la contribuci=F3n de dicho = Banco al programa de trabajo de la OMC sobre la ayuda para el = comercio.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_k_afdevbank.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "V", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 =3D = Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[158] =3D [ "26.09.2006", // date ( "Session =97 World Trade and Development Report 2006: Building a = Development Friendly World Trading System (Photo: RIS)", // English = caption "S=E9ance =97 World Trade and Development Report 2006: Building a = Development Friendly World Trading System (Edifier un syst=E8me = commercial mondial favorable au d=E9veloppement) (Photo: RIS)", // = French caption "Sesi=F3n =97 Informe sobre el comercio mundial y el desarrollo = correspondiente a 2006: Construcci=F3n de un sistema mundial de comercio = favorable al desarrollo (Foto: RIS)", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/ris.jpg", // photo link "35", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[157] =3D [ "26.09.2006", // date ( "Session =97 NAMA and Sustainable Development: reflecting on a new = agenda for the 21st century (Photo: Greenpeace)", // English caption "S=E9ance =97 AMNA et d=E9veloppement durable: r=E9flexions sur un = nouveau programme pour le 21=E8me si=E8cle (Photo: Greenpeace)", // = French caption "Sesi=F3n =97 AMNA y desarrollo sostenible: reflexiones sobre un = nuevo plan de acci=F3n para el siglo XXI (Foto: Greenpeace)", // = Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/greenpeace.jpg", // photo link "27", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[156] =3D [ "29.09.2006", // date ( "Mme Adelaide Moundele =97 Ngollo Trade Minister of Congo#On = Friday 29 September 2006 the Director-General met with Mme Adelaide = Moundele =97 Ngollo Trade Minister of Congo. They discussed the state = of play in the Doha negotiations and the Minister also briefed the = Director General on recent economic development in the Republic of = Congo.", // English caption "Mme Adelaide Moundele =97 Ngollo, Ministre du commerce du = Congo#Vendredi 29 septembre 2006, le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral a rencontr=E9 = Mme Adelaide Moundele =97 Ngollo, Ministre du commerce du Congo. Ils ont = =E9voqu=E9 l=92=E9tat d=92avancement des n=E9gociations au titre du = Programme de Doha et le Ministre a =E9galement inform=E9 le Directeur = g=E9n=E9ral de l=92=E9volution =E9conomique r=E9cente dans la = R=E9publique du Congo.", // French caption "Sra. Adelaide Moundele =97 Ngollo, Ministra de Comercio del = Congo#El viernes 29 de septiembre de 2006, el Director General se = reuni=F3 con la Sra. Adelaide Moundele =97 Ngollo, Ministra de Comercio = del Congo. Ambos examinaron la situaci=F3n de las negociaciones de Doha = y la Ministra tambi=E9n inform=F3 al Director General sobre la = evoluci=F3n econ=F3mica reciente de la Rep=FAblica del Congo.", // = Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_amn_congo.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "V#PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[155] =3D [ "27.09.2006", // date ( "Members of the public view panel proceedings", // English = caption "Membres du public suivant les travaux du Groupe sp=E9cial", // = French caption "Miembros del p=FAblico observan las actuaciones de un Grupo = Especial", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mews/hormones2_27sep06.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 =3D = Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[154] =3D [ "27.09.2006", // date ( "Mrs Rosalie Koudougueret, Trade Minister for Central African = Republic#On Wednesday 27 September 2006 the Director-General met with = Mrs Rosalie Koudougueret, Trade Minister of the Central African = Republic. They discussed the WTO interests of the Central African = Republic, and Aid for Trade, which the Minister indicated is essential = for the Central African Republic to reap the benefits of trade = opening.", // English caption "Mme Rosalie Koudougueret, Ministre du commerce de la R=E9publique = centrafricaine#RMercredi 27 septembre 2006, le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral a = rencontr=E9 Mme Rosalie Koudougueret, Ministre du commerce de la = R=E9publique centrafricaine. Ils ont =E9voqu=E9 les int=E9r=EAts de la = R=E9publique centrafricaine dans le cadre de l=92OMC, ainsi que l=92Aide = pour le commerce, dont le Ministre a indiqu=E9 qu=92elle =E9tait = essentielle pour que son pays jouisse des avantages procur=E9s par = l=92ouverture de son commerce.", // French caption "Sra. Rosalie Koudougueret, Ministra de Comercio de la Rep=FAblica = Centroafricana#El mi=E9rcoles 27 de septiembre de 2006, el Director = General se reuni=F3 con la Sra. Rosalie Koudougueret, Ministra de = Comercio de la Rep=FAblica Centroafricana. Examinaron los intereses de = la Rep=FAblica Centroafricana con respecto a la OMC, as=ED como la ayuda = para el comercio, que, seg=FAn se=F1al=F3 la Ministra, es fundamental = para que la Rep=FAblica Centroafricana coseche los beneficios de la = apertura comercial.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_rk_car.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "V#PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[153] =3D [ "26.09.2006", // date ( "Wolfgang Sachs, Wuppertal Institute, Germany
New directions = for agriculture trade rules", // English caption "Wolfgang Sachs, Wuppertal Institute, Allemagne
Nouvelles = orientations pour les r=E8gles commerciales agricoles ", // French = caption "Wolfgang Sachs, Wuppertal Institute, Alemania
Nuevas = orientaciones respecto de las normas relativas al comercio agr=EDcola", = // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/3414.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[152] =3D [ "26.09.2006", // date ( "H.E. Crawford Falconer, Ambassador from New Zealand to the WTO", = // English caption "S.E. Crawford Falconer, Ambassadeur de Nouvelle-Z=E9lande = aupr=E8s de l=92OMC", // French caption "Excmo. Sr. Crawford Falconer, Embajador de Nueva Zelandia ante la = OMC", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/3369.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[151] =3D [ "26.09.2006", // date ( "Session - How can academic policy-oriented thinking on WTO = matters be improved?", // English caption "S=E9ance - Comment am=E9liorer la r=E9flexion des milieux = universitaires sur les grandes questions concernant l=92OMC?", // = French caption "Sesi=F3n - =BFC=F3mo pueden mejorarse las reflexiones = acad=E9micas en materia de pol=EDtica sobre cuestiones de la OMC?", // = Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/3395.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[150] =3D [ "26.09.2006", // date ( "", // English caption "", // French caption "", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/3382.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[149] =3D [ "26.09.2006", // date ( "", // English caption "", // French caption "", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/3380.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[148] =3D [ "26.09.2006", // date ( "H.E. Mia Horn af Rantzien - Ambassador, Permanent Representative = to the WTO, Sweden", // English caption "S.E. Mia Horn af Rantzien - Ambassadeur, Repr=E9sentante = permanente aupr=E8s de l=92OMC, Su=E8de", // French caption "Excma Sra. Mia Horn af Rantzien - Embajadora, Representante = Permanente ante la OMC, Suecia", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/3340.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[147] =3D [ "26.09.2006", // date ( "Session - Development criteria for differentiation in trade = policies", // English caption "S=E9ance: Crit=E8res de d=E9veloppement conduisant =E0 la = diff=E9renciation des politiques commerciales", // French caption "Sesi=F3n - Criterios de desarrollo para la diferenciaci=F3n de = las pol=EDticas comerciales", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/3355.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[146] =3D [ "26.09.2006", // date ( "", // English caption "", // French caption "", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/3315.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[145] =3D [ "26.09.2006", // date ( "Moderator: Prof. Jean-Pierre Lehmann Trade and Development post = non-Doha =96 let=92s get real", // English caption "Mod=E9rateur: M. Jean-Pierre Lehmann Le commerce et le = d=E9veloppement suite au non-lieu de Doha: soyons r=E9alistes", // = French caption "Moderador: Prof. Jean-Pierre Lehmann Comercio y desarrollo tras = la no conclusi=F3n de Doha - seamos realistas", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/3296.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[144] =3D [ "26.09.2006", // date ( "", // English caption "", // French caption "", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/3306.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[143] =3D [ "26.09.2006", // date ( "Anthony Hill =97 Former Ambassador of Jamaica to the WTO, and to = the UN, Geneva", // English caption "Anthony Hill - Ancien ambassadeur de Jama=EFque aupr=E8s de = l=92OMC et de l=92ONU =E0 Gen=E8ve", // French caption "Anthony Hill - Ex Embajador de Jamaica ante la OMC y la ONU, = Ginebra", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/3241.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[142] =3D [ "26.09.2006", // date ( "", // English caption "", // French caption "", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/3225.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[141] =3D [ "26.09.2006", // date ( "Patrick Low =96 Director, Economic Research and Statistics = Division, WTO
Subsidies and International Trade", // English caption "Patrick Low - Directeur, Division de la recherche =E9conomique = et des statistiques, OMC
Subventions et commerce international", // = French caption "Patrick Low - Director, Divisi=F3n de Estudios Econ=F3micos y = Estad=EDstica, OMC
Subvenciones y comercio internacional", // = Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/3253.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[140] =3D [ "26.09.2006", // date ( "", // English caption "", // French caption "", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/3260.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[139] =3D [ "26.09.2006", // date ( "Session - Trade and Development post non-Doha: Let=92s get real", = // English caption "S=E9ance - Le commerce et le d=E9veloppement suite au non-lieu de = Doha: soyons r=E9alistes", // French caption "Sesi=F3n - Comercio y desarrollo tras la no conclusi=F3n de Doha: = Seamos realistas", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/3274.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[138] =3D [ "26.09.2006", // date ( "", // English caption "", // French caption "", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/3276.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[137] =3D [ "26.09.2006", // date ( "Moderator: Dr. Manfred Elsig - Senior Research Fellow, = WTI/GIIS
Decision-making in the WTO", // English caption "Mod=E9rateur: M. Manfred Elsig - Charg=E9 de recherche principal, = WTI/HEI
Le processus d=E9cisionnel =E0 l=92OMC", // French caption "Moderador: Dr. Manfred Elsig - Investigador principal, Instituto = de Comercio Mundial/Instituto Universitario de Altos Estudios = Internacionales de Ginebra
Adopci=F3n de decisiones en la OMC", // = Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/3240.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[136] =3D [ "26.09.2006", // date ( "Session moderator John M. Weekes =97 Sidley Austin LLP, Geneva", = // English caption "Mod=E9rateur de s=E9ance: John M. Weekes =97 Sidley Austin LLP, = Gen=E8ve", // French caption "Moderador de la sesi=F3n: John M. Weekes =97 Sidley Austin LLP, = Ginebra", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/3214.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[135] =3D [ "26.09.2006", // date ( "", // English caption "", // French caption "", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/3160.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[134] =3D [ "26.09.2006", // date ( "", // English caption "", // French caption "", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/3284.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[133] =3D [ "26.09.2006", // date ( "", // English caption "", // French caption "", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/3186.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[132] =3D [ "26.09.2006", // date ( "", // English caption "", // French caption "", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/3176.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[131] =3D [ "26.09.2006", // date ( "", // English caption "", // French caption "", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/3285.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[130] =3D [ "26.09.2006", // date ( "Dasho Ugen Tsechup Dorji - President , Chamber of Commerce and = Industry, Bhutan (left)
Pradeep S. Mehta =96 Secretary General, CUTS = International, India", // English caption "Dasho Ugen Tsechup Dorji - Pr=E9sident , Chambre de commerce et = d=92industrie, Bhoutan (=E0 gauche)
Pradeep S. Mehta - Secr=E9taire = g=E9n=E9ral, CUTS International, Inde", // French caption "Dasho Ugen Tsechup Dorji - Presidente, C=E1mara de Comercio e = Industria, Bhut=E1n (izquierda)
Pradeep S. Mehta - Secretario = General, CUTS International, India", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/3151.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[129] =3D [ "26.09.2006", // date ( "Seated: John Kamau - Sunday Standard, Kenya
Mildred Mpundu - = Journalist, Zambia", // English caption "Assis: John Kamau - Sunday Standard, Kenya
Mildred Mpundu - = Journaliste, Zambia", // French caption "Sentados: John Kamau - Sunday Standard, Kenya
Mildred Mpundu - = Periodista, Zambia", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/3132.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[128] =3D [ "25.09.2006", // date ( "", // English caption "", // French caption "", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/3072.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[127] =3D [ "25.09.2006", // date ( "Rudolf Schwarzb=F6ck =97 President of COPA", // English caption "Rudolf Schwarzb=F6ck =97 Pr=E9sident du COPA", // French caption "Rudolf Schwarzb=F6ck =97 Presidente del COPA", // Spanish = caption "/images/img_forum06/3033.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[127] =3D [ "25.09.2006", // date ( "Session - Neo-protectionism, moderator: David Hartridge =97 White = & Case", // English caption "S=E9ance - N=E9o-protectionnisme, mod=E9rateur: David Hartridge = =97 White & Case", // French caption "Sesi=F3n - Neoproteccionismo, moderador: David Hartridge =97 = White & Case", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/2996.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[126] =3D [ "25.09.2006", // date ( "", // English caption "", // French caption "", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/2993.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[125] =3D [ "25.09.2006", // date ( "WTO publications stand", // English caption "Stand de publications de l=92OMC", // French caption "Puesto de publicaciones de la OMC", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/2980.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[124] =3D [ "25.09.2006", // date ( "H.E. Don Stephenson =97 Ambassador, Permanent Representative to = the WTO, Canada", // English caption "S.E. Don Stephenson =97 Ambassadeur, Repr=E9sentant permanent = aupr=E8s de l=92OMC, Canada", // French caption "Excmo. Sr. Don Stephenson =97 Embajador, Representante Permanente = ante la OMC, Canad=E1", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/3034.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[123] =3D [ "25.09.2006", // date ( "Forum participants", // English caption "Participants au Forum", // French caption "Participantes en el foro", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/3001.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[122] =3D [ "25.09.2006", // date ( "Session =97 International Standards in the multilateral trading = system", // English caption "S=E9ance =97 Les normes internationales dans le syst=E8me = commercial multilat=E9ral", // French caption "Sesi=F3n =97 Las normas internacionales en el sistema = multilateral de comercio", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/3006.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[121] =3D [ "25.09.2006", // date ( "Forum participants", // English caption "Participants au Forum", // French caption "Participantes en el foro", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/3085.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[120] =3D [ "25.09.2006", // date ( "Session =97 Can trade deliver decent work in the XXIst Century?", = // English caption "S=E9ance =97 Le commerce peut-il cr=E9er des emplois d=E9cents au = XXI=E8me si=E8cle?", // French caption "Sesi=F3n =97 =BFPuede el comercio proporcionar trabajo decente en = el siglo XXI?", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/3077.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[119] =3D [ "25.09.2006", // date ( "Session - A Sustainable Development Roadmap for the WTO", // = English caption "S=E9ance - Feuille de route pour l=92OMC en faveur du = d=E9veloppement durable", // French caption "Sesi=F3n - Una hoja de ruta para la OMC con respecto al = desarrollo sostenible", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/3074.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[118] =3D [ "25.09.2006", // date ( "Session - Coherence and Capacity Building for Trade", // English = caption "S=E9ance - Effort de coh=E9rence et renforcement des capacit=E9s = pour le commerce", // French caption "Sesi=F3n - Coherencia y creaci=F3n de capacidad para el = comercio", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/3039.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[117] =3D [ "25.09.2006", // date ( "Saliou Sarr- ROPPA, West African Farmers and Farm Producers = Network", // English caption "Saliou Sarr- ROPPA, R=E9seau des organisations paysannes et des = producteurs agricoles de l=92Afrique de l=92Ouest", // French caption "Saliou Sarr- ROPPA, Red de agricultures y productores agr=EDcolas = del =C1frica Occidental", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/3059.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[116] =3D [ "25.09.2006", // date ( "WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy - Public Forum 2006", // = English caption "M. Pascal Lamy =96 Directeur g=E9n=E9ral de l=92OMC - Forum = public 2006", // French caption "Sr. Pascal Lamy =96 Director General de la OMC - Foro P=FAblico = 2006", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/2889.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06#PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, = M05 =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[115] =3D [ "25.09.2006", // date ( "WTO Public Forum, Opening Plenary", // English caption "Forum public de l=92OMC, s=E9ance pl=E9ni=E8re d=92ouverture", = // French caption "Foro p=FAblico de la OMC, Sesi=F3n plenaria de inauguraci=F3n", = // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/2965.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[114] =3D [ "25.09.2006", // date ( "WTO Public Forum, Opening Plenary", // English caption "Forum public de l=92OMC, s=E9ance pl=E9ni=E8re d=92ouverture", = // French caption "Foro p=FAblico de la OMC, Sesi=F3n plenaria de inauguraci=F3n", = // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/2964.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[113] =3D [ "25.09.2006", // date ( "Antony Burgmans, Chairman, Unilever", // English caption "Antony Burgmans, Pr=E9sident, Unilever", // French caption "Antony Burgmans, Presidente, Unilever", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/2940.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[112] =3D [ "25.09.2006", // date ( "Ted Turner, Chairman, UN Foundation", // English caption "Ted Turner, Pr=E9sident, Fondation pour les Nations Unies", // = French caption "Ted Turner, Presidente, Fundaci=F3n pro Naciones Unidas", // = Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/2934.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[111] =3D [ "25.09.2006", // date ( "H.E. Pakalitha Mosisili, Prime Minister of Lesotho", // English = caption "S.E. M. Pakalitha Mosisili, Premier ministre du Lesotho", // = French caption "Excmo. Sr. Pakalitha Mosisili, Primer Ministro de Lesotho", // = Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/2901.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[110] =3D [ "25.09.2006", // date ( "WTO Public Forum participants", // English caption "Participants au Forum public de l=92OMC", // French caption "Participantes en el Foro p=FAblico de la OMC", // Spanish = caption "/images/img_forum06/2891.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[109] =3D [ "25.09.2006", // date ( "Left to right: High Level Panel - Antony Burgmans, Ted Turner, = Pakalitha Mosisili, Pascal Lamy", // English caption "De gauche =E0 droite: Groupe de haut niveau - Antony Burgmans, = Ted Turner, Pakalitha Mosisili, Pascal Lamy", // French caption "De izquierda a derecha: Panel de alto nivel - Antony Burgmans, = Ted Turner, Pakalitha Mosisili, Pascal Lamy", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/2876.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06#PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, = M05 =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[108] =3D [ "25.09.2006", // date ( "Left to right: High Level Panel =96 Antony Burgmans, Pakalitha = Mosisili, Pascal Lamy, Ted Turner", // English caption "De gauche =E0 droite: Groupe de haut niveau - Antony Burgmans, = Pakalitha Mosisili, Pascal Lamy, Ted Turner", // French caption "De izquierda a derecha: Panel de alto nivel - Antony Burgmans, = Pakalitha Mosisili, Pascal Lamy, Ted Turner", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/2865.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06#PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, = M05 =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[107] =3D [ "25.09.2006", // date ( "Public Forum 2006 banner", // English caption "Banderole annon=E7ant le forum public de 2006", // French = caption "Pancarta relativa al Foro p=FAblico de 2006", // Spanish caption "/images/img_forum06/2817.jpg", // photo link "64", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PF06", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[106] =3D [ "13.09.2006", // date ( "Mrs. Lebohang Ntsinyi, Minister of Tourism, Environment, & = Culture of Lesotho#On Wednesday 13 September 2006 the Director-General = met with Mrs. Lebohang Ntsinyi, Minister of Tourism, Environment, & = Culture of Lesotho. They discussed developments in the tourism sector = and environmental policy in Lesotho and their link with the on-going WTO = negotiations under the Doha Development Agenda.", // English caption "Mme Lebohang Ntsinyi, Ministre du tourisme, de l=92environnement = et de la culture du Lesotho#Mercredi 13 septembre 2006, le Directeur = g=E9n=E9ral a rencontr=E9 Mme Lebohang Ntsinyi, Ministre du tourisme, de = l=92environnement et de la culture du Lesotho. Les discussions ont = port=E9 sur l=92=E9volution du secteur du tourisme et l=92orientation de = la politique environnementale du Lesotho et sur leurs liens avec les = n=E9gociations en cours =E0 l=92OMC dans le cadre du Programme de Doha = pour le d=E9veloppement.", // French caption "Sra. Lebohang Ntsinyi, Ministra de Turismo, Medio Ambiente y = Cultura de Lesotho#El mi=E9rcoles 13 de septiembre de 2006, el Director = General se reuni=F3 con la Sra. Lebohang Ntsinyi, Ministra de Turismo, = Medio Ambiente y Cultura de Lesotho. Examinaron la evoluci=F3n del = sector tur=EDstico y la pol=EDtica ambiental de Lesotho y su = vinculaci=F3n con las negociaciones en curso en la OMC en el marco del = Programa de Doha para el Desarrollo.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_ln_lesotho.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "V", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 =3D = Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[105] =3D [ "14.09.2006", // date ( "Mr. Enrique Baron Crespo, President of the Commission of = international trade at the European Parliament#On Thursday 14 September = 2006 the Director-General met with Enrique Baron Crespo (President of = the Commission of international trade at the European Parliament). They = discussed the current state of play of the WTO negotiations under the = Doha Development Agenda and the role of Parliaments in convincing the = negotiators to go back to the negotiating table.", // English caption "M. Enrique Baron Crespo, Pr=E9sident de la Commission du commerce = international au Parlement europ=E9en#Le Jeudi 14 septembre 2006, le = Directeur g=E9n=E9ral a rencontr=E9 M. Enrique Baron Crespo, Pr=E9sident = de la Commission du commerce international au Parlement europ=E9en. Les = deux hommes ont discut=E9 de la situation actuelle des n=E9gociations = dans le cadre du Programme de Doha pour le d=E9veloppement et du r=F4le = que les parlements pouvaient jouer pour convaincre les n=E9gociateurs de = retourner =E0 la table des n=E9gociations.", // French caption "Sr. Enrique Baron Crespo, Presidente de la Comisi=F3n de Comercio = Internacional del Parlamento Europeo#El jueves 14 de septiembre de 2006 = el Director General se reuni=F3 con Enrique Bar=F3n Crespo (Presidente = de la Comisi=F3n de Comercio Internacional del Parlamento Europeo). = Examinaron la situaci=F3n actual de las negociaciones de la OMC en el = marco del Programa de Doha para el Desarrollo y la funci=F3n que deben = desempe=F1ar los parlamentos para convencer a los negociadores de que = vuelvan a la mesa de negociaci=F3n.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_bc_eu.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "V", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 =3D = Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[104] =3D [ "05.09.2006", // date ( "WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy with Wen Jiabao, the Chinese = Premier during their meeting at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, = China.", // English caption "Le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral de l=92OMC, Pascal Lamy, avec le Premier = Ministre chinois, Wen Jiabao, pendant leur r=E9union au Palais du peuple = =E0 Beijing (Chine).", // French caption "El Director General de la OMC, Pascal Lamy, con Wen Jiabao, = Primer Ministro de China, durante la reuni=F3n que celebraron en el Gran = Palacio del Pueblo en Beijing, China.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_wj_chinese2.jpg", // photo link "39", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[103] =3D [ "05.09.2006", // date ( "WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy with Wen Jiabao, the Chinese = Premier during their meeting at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, = China.", // English caption "Le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral de l=92OMC, Pascal Lamy, avec le Premier = Ministre chinois, Wen Jiabao, pendant leur r=E9union au Palais du peuple = =E0 Beijing (Chine).", // French caption "El Director General de la OMC, Pascal Lamy, con Wen Jiabao, = Primer Ministro de China, durante la reuni=F3n que celebraron en el Gran = Palacio del Pueblo en Beijing, China.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_wj_chinese.jpg", // photo link "54", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "451", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[102] =3D [ "26.07.2006", // date ( "Mr. Piotr Wozniak Minister of Economy responsible for Trade of = Poland#On Wednesday 26 July 2006 the Director-General met with Mr. Piotr = Wozniak Minister of Economy responsible for Trade of Poland. They = exchanged views on the state of play of the Doha Development Agenda.", = // English caption "M. Piotr Wozniak, Ministre polonais de l=92=E9conomie, = responsable du commerce#Le mercredi 26 juillet 2006, le Directeur = g=E9n=E9ral a rencontr=E9 M. Piotr Wozniak, Ministre polonais de = l=92=E9conomie, responsable du commerce. Ils ont =E9chang=E9 des vues = sur la situation concernant le Programme de Doha pour le = d=E9veloppement.", // French caption "Sr. Piotr Wozniak, Ministro de Econom=EDa de Polonia, encargado = de la cartera de comercio#El mi=E9rcoles 26 de julio de 2006, el = Director General se reuni=F3 con el Ministro de Econom=EDa de Polonia, = Sr. Piotr Wozniak, encargado de la cartera de comercio. Ambos = intercambiaron opiniones sobre la situaci=F3n del Programa de Doha para = el Desarrollo.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_pw_poland.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "V", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 =3D = Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[101] =3D [ "25.07.2006", // date ( "H.E. Alejandro Arg=FCello Choiseul, Trade Minister of = Nicaragua#On Tuesday 25 July 2006 the Director-General met with H.E. = Alejandro Arg=FCello Choiseul, Trade Minister of Nicaragua. They = discussed the latest developments in the negotiations DDA and the = potential consequences for the WTO, as well as the trade and economic = situation in Nicaragua.", // English caption "S.E. M. Alejandro Arg=FCello Choiseul, Ministre nicaraguayen du = commerce#Le mardi 25 juillet 2006, le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral a = rencontr=E9 S.E. M. Alejandro Arg=FCello Choiseul, Ministre nicaraguayen = du commerce. Ils ont discut=E9 de l=92=E9volution r=E9cente des = n=E9gociations dans le cadre du PDD et des cons=E9quences potentielles = pour l=92OMC, ainsi que de la situation commerciale et =E9conomique au = Nicaragua.", // French caption "Excmo. Sr. Alejandro Arg=FCello Choiseul, Ministro de Comercio de = Nicaragua#El martes 25 de julio de 2006, el Director General se reuni=F3 = con el Excmo. Sr. Alejandro Arg=FCello Choiseul, Ministro de Comercio de = Nicaragua. Examinaron los hechos recientemente acaecidos en las = negociaciones del PDD y las posibles consecuencias para la OMC, as=ED = como la situaci=F3n comercial y econ=F3mica en Nicaragua.", // Spanish = caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_aac_nicaragua.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "V", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 =3D = Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[100] =3D [ "24.07.2006", // date ( "Mr. Cham Prasidh, Senior Minister, Minister of Commerce of = Cambodia#On Monday 24 July 2006 the Director-General met with the = Minister Cham Prasidh, Senior Minister, Minister of Commerce of = Cambodia. Minister Prasidh introduced the economic development in the = country and highlighted the importance of apparel exports to the = Cambodian economy. The Director-General briefed the Minister on the = recent developments in the negotiations under the Doha Round = negotiations and outlined his continuous efforts to help LDCs to = integrate and benefit from the multilateral trading system.", // = English caption "M. Cham Prasidh, Ministre principal et Ministre du commerce du = Cambodge#Le lundi 24 juillet 2006, le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral a = rencontr=E9 M. Cham Prasidh, Ministre principal et Ministre du commerce = du Cambodge. M. Prasidh a pr=E9sent=E9 le d=E9veloppement =E9conomique = de son pays et soulign=E9 l=92importance des exportations de v=EAtements = pour l=92=E9conomie cambodgienne. Le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral a inform=E9 = le Ministre de l=92=E9volution r=E9cente des n=E9gociations dans le = cadre du Cycle de Doha et =E9voqu=E9 les efforts inlassables qu=92il = d=E9ploie pour aider les PMA =E0 s=92int=E9grer dans le syst=E8me = commercial multilat=E9ral et =E0 en tirer profit.", // French caption "Sr. Cham Prasidh, Ministro Principal y Ministro de Comercio de = Camboya#El lunes 24 de julio de 2006, el Director General se reuni=F3 = con el Ministro Cham Prasidh, Ministro Principal y Ministro de Comercio = de Camboya. El Ministro Prasidh present=F3 la evoluci=F3n econ=F3mica = del pa=EDs y puso de relieve la importancia de las exportaciones de = prendas de vestir para la econom=EDa camboyana. El Director General = inform=F3 al Ministro de lo acaecido recientemente en las negociaciones = de la Ronda de Doha e hizo alusi=F3n a sus continuos esfuerzos para = ayudar a los PMA a integrarse en el sistema multilateral de comercio y = obtener beneficios.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_cp_cambodia.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "V", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 =3D = Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[99] =3D [ "24.07.2006", // date ( "WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy at the press conference = following the TNC meeting of 24 July 2006.", // English caption "Le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral de l=92OMC, Pascal Lamy, =E0 la = conf=E9rence de presse tenue apr=E8s la r=E9union du CNC du 24 juillet = 2006.", // French caption "El Director General de la OMC, Pascal Lamy, en la conferencia de = prensa celebrada tras la reuni=F3n del CNC de 24 de julio de 2006.", // = Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2780.jpg", // photo link "21", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "24JUL#MODA#PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal = Lamy, M05 =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[98] =3D [ "24.07.2006", // date ( "Press Conference: Brazil - Mr. Celso Amorim, Minister of External = Relations", // English caption "Conf=E9rence de presse: Br=E9sil - M. Celso Amorim, Ministre des = relations ext=E9rieures", // French caption "Conferencia de prensa: Brasil - Sr. Celso Amorim, Ministro de = Relaciones Exteriores", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2762.jpg", // photo link "21", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "24JUL#MODB#MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal = Lamy, M05 =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[97] =3D [ "24.07.2006", // date ( "Press Conference: Japan - Mr. Nakagawa, Minister for Agriculture, = Forests and Fisheries and Mr. Nikai, Minister for Economics, Trade and = Industry", // English caption "Conf=E9rence de presse: Japon - M. Nakagawa, Ministre de = l=92agriculture, des for=EAts et de la p=EAche, et M. Nikai, Ministre de = l=92=E9conomie, du commerce et de l=92industrie", // French caption "Conferencia de prensa: Jap=F3n - Sr. Nakagawa, Ministro de = Agricultura, Silvicultura y Pesca y Sr. Nikai, Ministro de Econom=EDa, = Comercio e Industria", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2758.jpg", // photo link "26", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "24JUL#MODB#MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal = Lamy, M05 =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[96] =3D [ "24.07.2006", // date ( "Press Conference: India - Mr. Kamal Nath, Minister for Commerce = and Industry", // English caption "Conf=E9rence de presse: Inde - M. Kamal Nath, Ministre du = commerce et de l=92industrie", // French caption "Conferencia de prensa: India - Sr. Kamal Nath, Ministro de = Comercio e Industria", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2417b.jpg", // photo link "21", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "24JUL#MODB#MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal = Lamy, M05 =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[95] =3D [ "24.07.2006", // date ( "Press Conference: EU - Ms. Mariann Fischer Boel, EU Agriculture = Commissioner and Mr. Peter Mandelson, EU Trade Commissioner", // = English caption "Conf=E9rence de presse: Union europ=E9enne - Mme Mariann Fischer = Boel, Commissaire europ=E9enne charg=E9e de l=92agriculture et M. Peter = Mandelson, Commissaire europ=E9en au commerce", // French caption "Conferencia de prensa: Uni=F3n Europea - Sra. Mariann Fischer = Boel, Comisaria de Agricultura de la UE y Sr. Peter Mandelson, Comisario = de Comercio de la UE", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2755.jpg", // photo link "27", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "24JUL#MODB#MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal = Lamy, M05 =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[94] =3D [ "24.07.2006", // date ( "Press Conference: US - Susan Schwab, US Trade Representative, and = Mike Johanns, US Department of Agriculture Secretary", // English = caption "Conf=E9rence de presse: =C9tats-Unis - Susan Schwab, = Repr=E9sentante des =C9tats-Unis pour les questions commerciales = internationales et Mike Johanns, Secr=E9taire, D=E9partement de = l=92agriculture des =C9tats-Unis", // French caption "Conferencia de prensa: Estados Unidos - Susan Schwab, = Representante de los Estados Unidos para las Cuestiones Comerciales = Internacionales, y Mike Johanns, Secretario de Agricultura de los = Estados Unidos", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2743.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "24JUL#MODB#MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal = Lamy, M05 =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[93] =3D [ "17.07.2006", // date ( "UN Secretary General Annan, WTO Chief Pascal Lamy, British PM = Blair and German Chancellor Merkel arrive for G8 Summit meeting in St = Petersburg.", // English caption "Le Secr=E9taire g=E9n=E9ral de l=92ONU M. Annan, le DG de l=92OMC = Pascal Lamy, le Premier Ministre britannique M. Blair et la = Chanceli=E8re allemande Mme Merkel arrivent au Sommet du G8 =E0 St = Petersbourg.", // French caption "El Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas Kofi Annan, el = Director General de la OMC Pascal Lamy, el Primer Ministro brit=E1nico = Blair y la canciller alemana Merkel llegan a la Cumbre del G8 en San = Petersburgo.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/g8_meeting_july06.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "277", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[92] =3D [ "10.07.2006", // date ( "Mr. Roberto Illingworth Minister of Trade of Ecuador#On Monday 10 = July 2006 the Director-General met with Mr. Roberto Illingworth Minister = of Trade of Ecuador. They discussed the current state of the DDA = negotiations, as well as trade issues of specific interest to Ecuador.", = // English caption "M. Roberto Illingworth, Ministre =E9quatorien du commerce#Le = lundi 10 juillet 2006, le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral a rencontr=E9 M. Roberto = Illingworth, Ministre =E9quatorien du commerce. Ils ont discut=E9 de = l=92=E9tat des n=E9gociations men=E9es dans le cadre du PDD, ainsi que = des questions commerciales pr=E9sentant un int=E9r=EAt particulier pour = l=92=C9quateur.", // French caption "Sr. Roberto Illingworth, Ministro de Comercio del Ecuador#El = lunes 10 de julio de 2006 el Director General se reuni=F3 con el = Sr.Roberto Illingworth, Ministro de Comercio del Ecuador. Examinaron la = situaci=F3n actual de las negociaciones en el marco del PDD, as=ED como = cuetiones comerciales de inter=E9s espec=EDfico para el Ecuador.", // = Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_ri_ecuador.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "V", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 =3D = Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; // photo_array[??] =3D [ // "06.07.2006", // date ( // "WTO DG Pascal Lamy with Japanese Prime Minister Koizumi in = Tokyo, July 2006", // English caption // "Le DG de l=92OMC Pascal Lamy avec M. Koizumi, Premier Ministre = japonais, =E0 Tokyo, juillet 2006", // French caption // "El Director General de la OMC Pascal Lamy con el Sr. Koizumi, = Primer Ministro del Jap=F3n, en Tokio, julio de 2006", // Spanish = caption // "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_Koizumi_japan.jpg", // photo link // "40", // image size (KB) // "400", // image width (pixels) // "300", // image height (pixels) // 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) // "PL" // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) // ]; photo_array[91] =3D [ "06.07.2006", // date ( "WTO DG Pascal Lamy with Japanese Agriculture, Forestry and = Fishery Minister Nakagawa in Tokyo, July 2006", // English caption "Le DG de l=92OMC Pascal Lamy avec M. Nakagawa, Ministre japonais = de l=92agriculture, des for=EAts et de la p=EAche, =E0 Tokyo, juillet = 2006", // French caption "El Director General de la OMC Pascal Lamy con el Sr. Nakagawa, = Ministro de Agricultura, Silvicultura y Pesca del Jap=F3n, en Tokio, = julio de 2006", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_nakagawa_japan.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[90] =3D [ "06.07.2006", // date ( "WTO DG Pascal Lamy with Japanese METI Minister Nikai in Tokyo, = July 2006", // English caption "Le DG de l=92OMC Pascal Lamy avec M. Nikai, Ministre japonais de = l=92=E9conomie, du commerce et de l=92industrie, =E0 Tokyo, juillet = 2006", // French caption "El Director General de la OMC Pascal Lamy con el Sr. Nikai, = Ministro de Econom=EDa, Comercio e Industria del Jap=F3n, en Tokio, = julio de 2006", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_nikai_japan.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[89] =3D [ "06.07.2006", // date ( "WTO DG Pascal Lamy with Japanese Foreign Minister Aso in Tokyo. = Source: Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs", // English caption "Le DG de l=92OMC Pascal Lamy avec M.Aso, Ministre japonais des = affaires =E9trang=E8res, =E0 Tokyo. Source: Minist=E8re japonais des = affaires =E9trang=E8res", // French caption "El Director General de la OMC Pascal Lamy con el Sr. Aso, = Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores del Jap=F3n, en Tokio. Fuente: Ministerio = de Asuntos Exteriores del Jap=F3n", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_aso_japan.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[88] =3D [ "03.07.2006", // date ( "S.E. M. Jean-Lucien Savi de Tov=E9 Minister of Trade, Industry = and Handcraft of Togo#On Monday 3 July 2006 the Director-General met = with S.E. M. Jean-Lucien Savi de Tov=E9 Ministre du Commerce, de = l=92Industrie et de l=92Artisanat. The Director-General praised Togo = for its first Trade Policy Review and discussed the current situation of = the WTO negotiations under the Doha Development Agenda.", // English = caption "S.E M. Jean-Lucien Savi de Tov=E9, Ministre togolais du = commerce, de l=92industrie et de l=92artisanat#Le lundi 3 juillet 2006, = le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral a rencontr=E9 S.E M. Jean-Lucien Savi de = Tov=E9, Ministre togolais du commerce, de l=92industrie et de = l=92artisanat. Le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral a f=E9licit=E9 le Togo pour son = premier Examen de politique commerciale et =E9voqu=E9 la situation des = n=E9gociations men=E9es =E0 l=92OMC dans le cadre du Programme de Doha = pour le d=E9veloppement.", // French caption "Excmo. Sr. Jean-Lucien Savi de Tov=E9, Ministro de Comercio, = Industria y Artesan=EDa de Togo#El Director General elogi=F3 al Togo por = su primer Examen de las Pol=EDticas Comerciales y examin=F3 la = situaci=F3n actual de las negociaciones de la OMC en el marco del = Programa de Doha para el Desarrollo.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_st_togo.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "V", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 =3D = Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[87] =3D [ "03.07.2006", // date ( "H.E. Mr. Domingo Panganiban, Secretary of Agriculture and H.E. = Mr. Peter Favila, Secretary of Trade and Industry of the Philippines#On = Saturday 1st July 2006 the Director-General met with H.E. Mr. Domingo = Panganiban, Secretary of Agriculture and H.E. Mr. Peter Favila, = Secretary of Trade and Industry of the Philippines. They discussed the = state of play in the DDA negotiations and the role of the Philippines in = contributing to progress.", // English caption "S.E. M. Domingo Panganiban, Secr=E9taire d=92=C9tat =E0 = l=92agriculture et S.E. M. Peter Favil, Secr=E9taire d=92=C9tat au = commerce et =E0 l=92industrie des Philippines#Le samedi 1er juillet = 2006, le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral a rencontr=E9 S.E. M. Domingo Panganiban, = Secr=E9taire d=92=C9tat =E0 l=92agriculture et S.E. M. Peter Favil, = Secr=E9taire d=92=C9tat au commerce et =E0 l=92industrie des = Philippines. Ils ont discut=E9 de l=92=E9tat des n=E9gociations = actuellement men=E9es dans le cadre du PDD et du r=F4le que peuvent = jouer les Philippines pour les faire avancer.", // French caption "Excmo. Sr. Domingo Panganiban, Secretario de Agricultura, y el = Excmo. Sr. Peter Favila, Secretario de Comercio e Industria de = Filipinas#El s=E1bado 1=BA de julio de 2006, el Director General se = reuni=F3 con el Excmo. Sr. Domingo Panganiban, Secretario de = Agricultura, y el Excmo. Sr. Peter Favila, Secretario de Comercio e = Industria de Filipinas. Examinaron la situaci=F3n de las negociaciones = del PDD y la funci=F3n que corresponde a Filipinas para contribuir al = avance de las mismas.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_dp_pf_philippines.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "V", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 =3D = Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[86] =3D [ "01.07.2006", // date ( "WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy at the press conference = following the TNC meeting of 1 July 2006.", // English caption "Le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral de l=92OMC, Pascal Lamy, =E0 la = conf=E9rence de presse tenue apr=E8s la r=E9union du CNC du 1 juillet = 2006.", // French caption "El Director General de la OMC, Pascal Lamy, en la conferencia de = prensa celebrada tras la reuni=F3n del CNC de 1 de julio de 2006.", // = Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2634.jpg", // photo link "21", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA#PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, = M05 =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[85] =3D [ "01.07.2006", // date ( "Shoichi Nakagawa, Agriculture Minister of Japan at the TNC = meeting of 1 July 2006", // English caption "Shoichi Nakagawa, Ministre japonais de l=92agriculture, =E0 la = r=E9union du CNC du 1er juillet 2006", // French caption "Shoichi Nakagawa, Ministro de Agricultura del Jap=F3n, en la = reuni=F3n del CNC de 1=BA de julio de 2006", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2607.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[84] =3D [ "01.07.2006", // date ( "Pascal Lamy, WTO Director-General at the TNC meeting of 1 July = 2006", // English caption "Pascal Lamy, Directeur g=E9n=E9ral de l=92OMC, =E0 la r=E9union = du CNC du 1er juillet 2006", // French caption "Pascal Lamy, Director General de la OMC, en la reuni=F3n del CNC = de 1=BA de julio de 2006", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2604.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[83] =3D [ "01.07.2006", // date ( "General Council Chairman Eirik Glenne and WTO DG Pascal Lamy at = the TNC meeting of 1 July 2006", // English caption "Eirik Glenne, Pr=E9sident du Conseil g=E9n=E9ral, et Pascal Lamy, = Directeur g=E9n=E9ral de l=92OMC, =E0 la r=E9union du CNC du 1er juillet = 2006", // French caption "El Presidente del Consejo General, Eirik Glenne, y el Director = General de la OMC, Pascal Lamy, en la reuni=F3n del CNC de 1=BA de julio = de 2006", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2599.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[82] =3D [ "01.07.2006", // date ( "Peter Mandelson, EU Trade Commissioner, at the TNC meeting of 1 = July 2006", // English caption "Peter Mandelson, Commissaire europ=E9en au commerce, =E0 la = r=E9union du CNC du 1er juillet 2006", // French caption "Peter Mandelson, Comisario de Comercio de la UE, en la reuni=F3n = del CNC de 1=BA de julio de 2006", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2595.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[81] =3D [ "01.07.2006", // date ( "Peter Allgeier, Deputy United States Trade Representative, at the = TNC meeting of 1 July 2006", // English caption "Peter Allgeier, Repr=E9sentant adjoint des Etats-Unis pour les = questions commerciales internationales, =E0 la r=E9union du CNC du 1er = juillet 2006", // French caption "Peter Allgeier, Representante Adjunto de los Estados Unidos para = las Cuestiones Comerciales Internacionales, en la reuni=F3n del CNC de = 1=BA de julio de 2006", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2592.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[80] =3D [ "01.07.2006", // date ( "Joseph Deiss, Minister of Economics, Switzerland", // English = caption "Joseph Deiss, Ministre de l=92=E9conomie de la Suisse", // = French caption "Joseph Deiss, Ministro de Econom=EDa, Suiza", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2587.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[79] =3D [ "01.07.2006", // date ( "Mariann Fischer Boel, EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural = Development", // English caption "Mariann Fischer Boel, Commissaire europ=E9enne charg=E9e de = l=92agriculture et du d=E9veloppement rural", // French caption "Mariann Fischer Boel, Comisaria de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural = de la UE", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2572.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[78] =3D [ "01.07.2006", // date ( "Peter Mandelson, EU Trade Commissioner", // English caption "Peter Mandelson, Commissaire europ=E9en au commerce", // French = caption "Peter Mandelson, Comisario de Comercio de la UE", // Spanish = caption "/images/img_mod06/2551.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[77] =3D [ "01.07.2006", // date ( "Journalists at the press centre on 30 June 2006", // English = caption "Journalistes au centre de presse le 30 juin 2006", // French = caption "Periodistas en el centro de prensa el 30 de junio de 2006", // = Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2455.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[76] =3D [ "01.07.2006", // date ( "Journalists at the press centre on 30 June 2006", // English = caption "Journalistes au centre de presse le 30 juin 2006", // French = caption "Periodistas en el centro de prensa el 30 de junio de 2006", // = Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2453.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[75] =3D [ "01.07.2006", // date ( "Press conference of the G20 plus on 1 July 2006", // English = caption "Conf=E9rence de presse donn=E9e par le G20 plus le 1er juillet = 2006", // French caption "Conferencia de prensa del G-20 Plus de 1=BA de julio de 2006", = // Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2536.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[74] =3D [ "01.07.2006", // date ( "Susan Schwab, US Trade Representative", // English caption "Susan Schwab, Repr=E9sentante des =C9tats-Unis pour les questions = commerciales internationales", // French caption "Susan Schwab, Representante de los Estados Unidos para las = Cuestiones Comerciales Internacionales", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2532.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[73] =3D [ "01.07.2006", // date ( "Susan Schwab, US Trade Representative, and Mike Johanns, US = Department of Agriculture Secretary", // English caption "Susan Schwab, Repr=E9sentante des =C9tats-Unis pour les questions = commerciales internationales et Mike Johanns, Secr=E9taire, = D=E9partement de l=92agriculture des =C9tats-Unis", // French caption "Susan Schwab, Representante de los Estados Unidos para las = Cuestiones Comerciales Internacionales, y Mike Johanns, Secretario de = Agricultura de los Estados Unidos", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2517.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[72] =3D [ "30.06.2006", // date ( "Jason Hafemeister, agriculture technical expert, United States", = // English caption "Jason Hafemeister, sp=E9cialiste technique des questions = agricoles, Etats-Unis", // French caption "Jason Hafemeister, experto t=E9cnico en materia de agricultura, = Estados Unidos", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2469.jpg", // photo link "19", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[71] =3D [ "30.06.2006", // date ( "Celso Amorim, Minister of External Relations of Brazil", // = English caption "Celso Amorim, Ministre des relations ext=E9rieures, Br=E9sil", = // French caption "Celso Amorim, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores del Brasil", // = Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2462.jpg", // photo link "24", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[70] =3D [ "30.06.2006", // date ( "Mike Johanns, Secretary of Agriculture, United States", // = English caption "Mike Johanns, Secr=E9taire =E0 l=92agriculture, =C9tats-Unis ", = // French caption "Mike Johanns, Secretario de Agricultura, Estados Unidos", // = Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2392.jpg", // photo link "26", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[69] =3D [ "30.06.2006", // date ( "Keith Rockwell, WTO spokesman", // English caption "Keith Rockwell, porte-parole de l=92OMC ", // French caption "Keith Rockwell, portavoz de la OMC", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2383.jpg", // photo link "27", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[68] =3D [ "30.06.2006", // date ( "Deepak Patel, Minister of Commerce, Zambia; M. Mouja=EFdou = Soumanou, Minister of Commerce, Benin", // English caption "Deepak Patel, Ministre du commerce, Zambie; M. Mouja=EFdou = Soumanou, Ministre du commerce, B=E9nin", // French caption "Deepak Patel, Ministro de Comercio, Zambia; Mouja=EFdou Soumanou, = Ministro de Comercio, Benin", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2438.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[67] =3D [ "30.06.2006", // date ( "Madan Dulloo, Minister of. Foreign Affairs, Mauritius", // = English caption "Madan Dulloo, Ministre des affaires =E9trang=E8res, Maurice", // = French caption "Madan Dulloo, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, Mauricio", // = Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2436.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[66] =3D [ "30.06.2006", // date ( "Madan Dulloo, Minister of. Foreign Affairs, Mauritius; Deepak = Patel, Minister of Commerce, Zambia; Mouja=EFdou Soumanou, Minister of = Commerce, Benin", // English caption "Madan Dulloo, Ministre des affaires =E9trang=E8res, Maurice; = Deepak Patel, Ministre du commerce, Zambie; Mouja=EFdou Soumanou, = Ministre du commerce, B=E9nin", // French caption "Madan Dulloo, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, Mauricio; Deepak = Patel, Ministro de Comercio, Zambia; Mouja=EFdou Soumanou, Ministro de = Comercio, Benin", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2431.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[65] =3D [ "30.06.2006", // date ( "H.E. Dr. Mari Elka Pangestu, Trade Minister of Indonesia and = Kamal Nath, Minister for Commerce and Industry, India", // English = caption "S.E. Mme Mari Elka Pangestu, Ministre du commerce, Indon=E9sie = et Kamal Nath, Ministre du commerce et de l=92industrie, Inde", // = French caption "Excma. Sra. Dra. Mari Elka Pangestu, Ministra de Comercio de = Indonesia, y Kamal Nath, Ministro de Comercio e Industria de la = India", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2427.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[64] =3D [ "30.06.2006", // date ( "H.E. Dr. Mari Elka Pangestu, Trade Minister of Indonesia and = Kamal Nath, Minister for Commerce and Industry, India", // English = caption "S.E. Mme Mari Elka Pangestu, Ministre du commerce, Indon=E9sie = et Kamal Nath, Ministre du commerce et de l=92industrie, Inde", // = French caption "Excma. Sra. Dra. Mari Elka Pangestu, Ministra de Comercio de = Indonesia, y Kamal Nath, Ministro de Comercio e Industria de la = India", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2419.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[63] =3D [ "30.06.2006", // date ( "Kamal Nath, Minister for Commerce and Industry, India", // = English caption "Kamal Nath, Ministre du commerce et de l=92industrie, Inde", // = French caption "Kamal Nath, Ministro de Comercio e Industria de la India", // = Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2417.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[62] =3D [ "30.06.2006", // date ( "Kamal Nath, Minister for Commerce and Industry, India", // = English caption "Kamal Nath, Ministre du commerce et de l=92industrie, Inde", // = French caption "Kamal Nath, Ministro de Comercio e Industria de la India", // = Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2415.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[61] =3D [ "30.06.2006", // date ( "H.E. Dr. Mari Elka Pangestu, Trade Minister of Indonesia", // = English caption "S.E. Mme Mari Elka Pangestu, Ministre du commerce, Indon=E9sie", = // French caption "Excma. Sra. Dra. Mari Elka Pangestu, Ministra de Comercio de = Indonesia", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2399.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[60] =3D [ "30.06.2006", // date ( "Susan Schwab, US Trade Representative", // English caption "Susan Schwab, Repr=E9sentante des =C9tats-Unis pour les questions = commerciales internationales", // French caption "Susan Schwab, Representante de los Estados Unidos para las = Cuestiones Comerciales", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2378.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[60] =3D [ "30.06.2006", // date ( "WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy", // English caption "Le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral de l=92OMC Pascal Lamy", // French = caption "Pascal Lamy, Director General de la OMC", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2374.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[59] =3D [ "30.06.2006", // date ( "Chairman Eirik Glenne and DG", // English caption "Le pr=E9sident Eirik Glenne et le DG", // French caption "Presidente Eirik Glenne y DG", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2370.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[58] =3D [ "30.06.2006", // date ( "Delegates at the Trade Negotiations Committee meeting of 30 June = 2006", // English caption "D=E9l=E9gu=E9s =E0 la r=E9union du Comit=E9 des n=E9gociations = commerciales du 30 juin 2006", // French caption "Delegados en la reuni=F3n del Comit=E9 de Negociaciones = Comerciales de 30 de junio de 2006", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2357.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[57] =3D [ "30.06.2006", // date ( "Peter Mandelson EU Trade Commissioner", // English caption "Peter Mandelson, Commissaire europ=E9en au commerce", // French = caption "Peter Mandelson, Comisario de Comercio de la UE", // Spanish = caption "/images/img_mod06/2352.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[56] =3D [ "30.06.2006", // date ( "Peter Mandelson EU Trade Commissioner", // English caption "Peter Mandelson, Commissaire europ=E9en au commerce", // French = caption "Peter Mandelson, Comisario de Comercio de la UE", // Spanish = caption "/images/img_mod06/2350.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[55] =3D [ "30.06.2006", // date ( "Celso Amorim, Minister of External Relations of Brazil", // = English caption "Celso Amorim, Ministre des relations ext=E9rieures, Br=E9sil", = // French caption "Celso Amorim, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores del Brasil", // = Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2345.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[54] =3D [ "30.06.2006", // date ( "Christine Lagarde, Minister of Foreign Trade of France, and = colleague", // English caption "Christine Lagarde, Ministre d=E9l=E9gu=E9e au commerce = ext=E9rieur, France, et un coll=E8gue", // French caption "Christine Lagarde, Ministra de Comercio Exterior de Francia, y su = colega", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2334.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[53] =3D [ "30.06.2006", // date ( "Joseph Deiss, Minister of Economic Affairs, Switzerland", // = English caption "Joseph Deiss, Ministre de l=92=E9conomie de la Suisse", // = French caption "Joseph Deiss, Jefe del Departamento Federal de Econom=EDa de = Suiza", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2312.jpg", // photo link "48", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "333", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[52] =3D [ "30.06.2006", // date ( "Mariann Fischer Boel, EU Commissioner, Agriculture and Rural = Development", // English caption "Mariann Fischer Boel, Commissaire europ=E9enne charg=E9e de = l=92agriculture et du d=E9veloppement rural", // French caption "Mariann Fischer Boel, Comisaria de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural = de la UE", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2304.jpg", // photo link "46", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "302", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[51] =3D [ "30.06.2006", // date ( "Shoichi Nakagawa, Agriculture Minister, Japan", // English = caption "Shoichi Nakagawa, Ministre de l=92agriculture du Japon", // = French caption "Shoichi Nakagawa, Ministro de Agricultura del Jap=F3n", // = Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2318.jpg", // photo link "29", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[50] =3D [ "30.06.2006", // date ( "Peter Mandelson, EU Trade Commissioner", // English caption "Peter Mandelson, Commissaire europ=E9en au commerce", // French = caption "Peter Mandelson, Comisario de Comercio de la UE", // Spanish = caption "/images/img_mod06/2322.jpg", // photo link "30", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[49] =3D [ "30.06.2006", // date ( "Peter Allgeier, Deputy United States Trade Representative", // = English caption "Peter Allgeier, Repr=E9sentant adjoint des =C9tats-Unis pour les = questions commerciales internationales", // French caption "Peter Allgeier, Representante Adjunto de los Estados Unidos para = las Cuestiones Comerciales", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2305.jpg", // photo link "27", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[48] =3D [ "29.06.2006", // date ( "Dr. Aliyu Modibbo Umar Minister of Nigeria#On Wednesday 28 June = 2006 the Director-General met with Minister Dr. Aliyu Modibbo Umar of = Nigeria. They discussed the state of play in the DDA negotiations and = the role of Nigeria. The Minister reaffirmed the commitment of Nigeria = to the DDA.", // English caption "M. Aliyu Modibbo Umar, Ministre nig=E9rian#Le mercredi 28 juin = 2006, le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral a rencontr=E9 le Ministre nig=E9rian M. = Aliyu Modibbo Umar. Ils ont discut=E9 de l=92=E9tat d=92avancement des = n=E9gociations dans le cadre du PDD et du r=F4le du Nig=E9ria. Le = Ministre a r=E9affirm=E9 l=92attachement du Nig=E9ria au PDD.", // = French caption "Dr. Aliyu Modibbo Umar, Ministro de Nigeria#El mi=E9rcoles 28 de = junio de 2006 el Director General se reuni=F3 con el Ministro Dr. Aliyu = Modibbo Umar de Nigeria. Juntos examinaron la situaci=F3n de las = negociaciones en el marco del PDD y el papel de Nigeria en las mismas. = El Ministro reiter=F3 el compromiso de Nigeria con el PDD.", // Spanish = caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_amu_nigeria.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "V", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 =3D = Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[47] =3D [ "29.06.2006", // date ( "Mr. Celso Amorim, Minister of External Relations of Brazil.", // = English caption "M. Celso Amorim, Ministre des relations ext=E9rieures du = Br=E9sil.", // French caption "El Sr. Celso Amorim, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores del = Brasil.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2303.jpg", // photo link "29", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[46] =3D [ "29.06.2006", // date ( "Mrs. Christine Lagarde, Minister of Foreign Trade of France and = Mr. Dominique Bussereau, Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries of = France.", // English caption "Mme Christine Lagarde, Ministre d=E9l=E9gu=E9e au commerce = ext=E9rieur de la France et M. Dominique Bussereau, Ministre de = l=92agriculture et de la p=EAche de la France.", // French caption "La Sra. Christine Lagarde, Ministra de Comercio Exterior de = Francia, y el Sr. Dominique Bussereau, Ministro de Agricultura y Pesca = de Francia.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2273.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[45] =3D [ "29.06.2006", // date ( "Mr. K=FCrsad T=FCzmen, Minister of State in charge of Foreign = Trade of Turkey#On Thursday 29 June 2006 the Director-General met Mr. = K=FCrsad T=FCzmen, Minister of State in charge of Foreign Trade of = Turkey. They exchanged views on the on-going WTO negotiations. The = Director-General highlighted key issues in the talks.", // English = caption "M. K=FCrsad T=FCzmen, Ministre d=92=C9tat charg=E9 du commerce = ext=E9rieur de la Turquie#Jeudi 29 juin 2006, le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral a = rencontr=E9 M. K=FCrsad T=FCzmen, Ministre d=92=C9tat charg=E9 du = commerce ext=E9rieur de la Turquie. Ils ont confront=E9 leurs vues sur = les n=E9gociations en cours dans le cadre de l=92OMC. Le Directeur = g=E9n=E9ral a mis l=92accent sur les questions cl=E9s au cours de la = discussion.", // French caption "Sr. K=FCrsad T=FCzmen, Ministro de Estado encargado del Comercio = Exterior de Turqu=EDa#El jueves 29 de junio de 2006, el Director General = se reuni=F3 con el Sr. K=FCrsad T=FCzmen, Ministro de Estado encargado = del Comercio Exterior de Turqu=EDa. Ambos intercambiaron opiniones sobre = las negociaciones en curso en la OMC. El Director General destac=F3 los = temas fundamentales de las negociaciones.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_kt_turkey.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "V", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 =3D = Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[44] =3D [ "29.06.2006", // date ( "H.E. Dr. Mari Elka Pangestu, Trade Minister of Indonesia#On = Wednesday 29 June 2006 the Director-General met with H.E. Dr. Mari Elka = Pangestu of Indonesia.
They exchanged views on the on-going WTO = negotiations. Minister Pangestu expressed Indonesia=92s support for the = timely conclusion of the Round. The Director General highlighted key = issues in the talks and encouraged Indonesia to continue to play an = active role in coming days.", // English caption "S.E. M. Mari Elka Pangestu, Ministre indon=E9sienne du = commerce#Le mercredi 29 juin 2006, le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral a = rencontr=E9 S.E. M. Mari Elka Pangestu, Ministre indon=E9sienne du = commerce.
Ils ont =E9chang=E9 des vues sur les n=E9gociations en = cours =E0 l=92OMC. Mme Pangestu a exprim=E9 le soutien de = l=92Indon=E9sie =E0 une conclusion du Cycle dans les d=E9lais impartis. = Le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral a mis l=92accent sur les questions cl=E9s dans = les n=E9gociations et encourag=E9 l=92Indon=E9sie =E0 continuer =E0 = jouer un r=F4le actif dans les jours qui viennent.", // French caption "Excma. Sra. Dra. Mari Elka Pangestu, Ministra de Comercio de = Indonesia#El mi=E9rcoles 29 de junio de 2006, el Director General se = reuni=F3 con la Excma. Sra. Dra. Mari Elka Pangestu, Ministra de = Comercio de Indonesia.
Intercambiaron opiniones sobre las = negociaciones en curso en la OMC. La Ministra Pangestu expres=F3 el = apoyo de Indonesia a una conclusi=F3n oportuna de la Ronda. El Director = General destac=F3 los temas fundamentales de las negociaciones y anim=F3 = a Indonesia a seguir desempe=F1ando un papel activo en los pr=F3ximos = d=EDas.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_mep_indonesia.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "V#MODA#PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, = M05 =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[43] =3D [ "28.06.2006", // date ( "WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy with Evan Rogerson, Director of = the Council and TNC Division, at the informal TNC meeting of 28 June = 2006.", // English caption "Le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral de l=92OMC Pascal Lamy avec Evan = Rogerson, Directeur de la Division du Conseil et du CNC, =E0 la = r=E9union informelle du CNC du 28 juin 2006.", // French caption "El Director General de la OMC, Pascal Lamy, con Evan Rogerson, = Director de la Divisi=F3n del Consejo y del CNC, en la reuni=F3n = informal del CNC de 28 de junio de 2006.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2188.jpg", // photo link "25", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA#PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, = M05 =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[42] =3D [ "28.06.2006", // date ( "WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy at the informal TNC meeting of = 28 June 2006.", // English caption "Le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral de l=92OMC, Pascal Lamy, =E0 la = r=E9union informelle du CNC du 28 juin 2006.", // French caption "El Director General de la OMC, Pascal Lamy, en la reuni=F3n = informal del CNC de 28 de junio de 2006.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2194.jpg", // photo link "43", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "580", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA#PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, = M05 =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[41] =3D [ "28.06.2006", // date ( "WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy at the press conference = following the informal TNC meeting of 28 June 2006.", // English = caption "Le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral de l=92OMC, Pascal Lamy, =E0 la = conf=E9rence de presse tenue apr=E8s la r=E9union informelle du CNC du = 28 juin 2006.", // French caption "El Director General de la OMC, Pascal Lamy, en la conferencia de = prensa celebrada tras la reuni=F3n informal del CNC de 28 de junio de = 2006.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2233.jpg", // photo link "22", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA#PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, = M05 =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[40] =3D [ "27.06.2006", // date ( "Ms Yolanda De Gavidia, Minister of Economy of El Salvador#On = Tuesday 27 June 2006 the Director-General met with Ms. Yolanda De = Gavidia,Minister of Economy of El Salvador. They discussed the on-going = negotiations to progress in the Doha Development Agenda , as well as = issues of specific interest of El Salvador.", // English caption "Mme Yolanda De Gavidia, Ministre salvadorienne de = l=92=E9conomie#Le mardi 27 juin 2006, le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral a = rencontr=E9 Mme Yolanda De Gavidia, Ministre salvadorienne de = l=92=E9conomie. Ils ont discut=E9 des n=E9gociations men=E9es pour faire = avancer le Programme de Doha pour le d=E9veloppement, ainsi que de = questions pr=E9sentant un int=E9r=EAt sp=E9cifique pour El Salvador.", = // French caption "Sra. Yolanda De Gavidia, Ministra de Econom=EDa de El Salvador#El = martes 27 de junio de 2006, el Director General se reuni=F3 con la Sra. = Yolanda De Gavidia, Ministra de Econom=EDa de El Salvador. Hablaron de = las negociaciones en curso encaminadas a lograr progresos en el marco = del Programa de Doha para el Desarrollo, as=ED como de cuestiones de = inter=E9s espec=EDfico para El Salvador.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_yg_elsalvador.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "V", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 =3D = Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[39] =3D [ "28.06.2006", // date ( "WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy at the press conference = following the informal TNC meeting of 28 June 2006.", // English = caption "Le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral de l=92OMC, Pascal Lamy, =E0 la = conf=E9rence de presse tenue apr=E8s la r=E9union informelle du CNC du = 28 juin 2006.", // French caption "El Director General de la OMC, Pascal Lamy, en la conferencia de = prensa celebrada tras la reuni=F3n informal del CNC de 28 de junio de = 2006.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2224.jpg", // photo link "23", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA#PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, = M05 =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[38] =3D [ "28.06.2006", // date ( "Delegates at the informal TNC meeting of 28 June 2006.", // = English caption "D=E9l=E9gu=E9s =E0 la r=E9union informelle du CNC du 28 juin = 2006.", // French caption "Delegados en la reuni=F3n informal del CNC de 28 de junio de = 2006.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2207.jpg", // photo link "42", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[37] =3D [ "28.06.2006", // date ( "Delegates at the informal TNC meeting of 28 June 2006.", // = English caption "D=E9l=E9gu=E9s =E0 la r=E9union informelle du CNC du 28 juin = 2006.", // French caption "Delegados en la reuni=F3n informal del CNC de 28 de junio de = 2006.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2204.jpg", // photo link "42", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "MODA", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[36] =3D [ "28.06.2006", // date ( "WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy at the informal TNC meeting of = 28 June 2006.", // English caption "Le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral de l=92OMC, Pascal Lamy, =E0 la = r=E9union informelle du CNC du 28 juin 2006.", // French caption "El Director General de la OMC, Pascal Lamy, en la reuni=F3n = informal del CNC de 28 de junio de 2006.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_mod06/2190.jpg", // photo link "25", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "267", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 =3D = Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[35] =3D [ "20.06.2006", // date ( "Mr. Tarasyuk, Foreign Affairs Minister of Urkraine#On Tuesday 20 = June 2006 the Director-General met with Mr. Tarasyuk, Foreign Affairs = Minister of Urkraine. They discusssed the state of play of Urkraine=92s = accession to the WTO.", // English caption "M. Tarasyuk, Ministre ukrainien des affaires =E9trang=E8res#Le = mardi 20 juin 2006, le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral a rencontr=E9 M. Tarasyuk, = Ministre ukrainien des affaires =E9trang=E8res. Ils ont discut=E9 de = l=92=E9tat d=92avancement du processus d=92accession de l=92Ukraine =E0 = l=92OMC.", // French caption "Sr. Tarasyuk, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Ucrania#El = martes 20 de junio de 2006 el Director General se reuni=F3 con el Sr. = Tarasyuk, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Ucrania. Hablaron de la = situaci=F3n del proceso de adhesi=F3n de Ucrania a la OMC.", // Spanish = caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_t_ukraine.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "V", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 =3D = Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[34] =3D [ "20.06.2006", // date ( "Mr. Nicolas Schmit, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration = of Luxembourg#On Tuesday 20 June 2006 the Director-General met with Mr. = Nicolas Schmit, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration of = Luxembourg. They discussed the state of play of the current DDA = negotiations.", // English caption "M. Nicolas Schmit, Ministre luxembourgeois des affaires = =E9trang=E8res et de l=92immigration#Le mardi 20 juin 2006, le Directeur = g=E9n=E9ral a rencontr=E9 M. Nicolas Schmit, Ministre luxembourgeois des = affaires =E9trang=E8res et de l=92immigration. Ils ont discut=E9 de = l=92=E9tat des n=E9gociations actuellement men=E9es dans le cadre du = PDD.", // French caption "Sr. Nicolas Schmit, Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores e = Inmigraci=F3n de Luxemburgo#El martes 20 de junio de 2006, el Director = General se reuni=F3 con el Sr. Nicolas Schmit, Ministro de Asuntos = Exteriores e Inmigraci=F3n de Luxemburgo. Examinaron la situaci=F3n de = las actuales negociaciones en el marco del Programa de Doha para el = Desarrollo.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_ns_luxembourg.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "V", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 =3D = Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[33] =3D [ "07.06.2006", // date ( "Dr. Oscar Arias S=E1nchez, President of the Republic of Costa = Rica#On Wednesday 7 June 2006 the Director-General met with President of = the Republic of Costa Rica, Dr. Oscar Arias S=E1nchez. They exchanged = views on the progress of the DDA, on the benefits of free trade for = small and medium sized countries like Costa Rica and on the next steps = in the negotiaions.", // English caption "M. Oscar Arias S=E1nchez, Pr=E9sident de la R=E9publique du Costa = Rica#Le mercredi 7 juin 2006, le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral a rencontr=E9 le = Pr=E9sident de la R=E9publique du Costa Rica, M. Oscar Arias S=E1nchez. = Ils ont =E9chang=E9 des vues sur les progr=E8s accomplis dans le cadre = du PDD, sur les avantages que le libre-=E9change offre aux petits pays = et aux pays de taille moyenne tels que le Costa Rica et sur les = prochaines =E9tapes de la n=E9gociation.", // French caption "Dr. Oscar Arias S=E1nchez, Presidente de la Rep=FAblica de Costa = Rica#El mi=E9rcoles 7 de junio de 2006 el Director General se reuni=F3 = con el Presidente de la Rep=FAblica de Costa Rica, Dr. Oscar Arias = S=E1nchez. Intercambiaron opiniones sobre el progreso del PDD, los = beneficios del libre comercio para los pa=EDses peque=F1os y medianos = como Costa Rica, y los siguientes pasos en las negociaciones.", // = Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_oas_costarica.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "V", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 =3D = Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[32] =3D [ "07.06.2006", // date ( "Mr. Frederiksen, Minister for Employment of Denmark#On Wednesday = 7 June 2006 the Director-General met with Mr. Frederiksen, Minister for = Employment of Denmark. They discussed the state of play in the WTO = negotiation, the issues of regional and multilateral trade opening and = the impact of globalizaton.", // English caption "M. Frederiksen, Ministre danois de l=92emploi#Le mercredi 7 juin = 2006, le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral a rencontr=E9 M. Frederiksen, Ministre = danois de l=92emploi. Ils ont discut=E9 de l=92=E9tat d=92avancement des = n=E9gociations de l=92OMC, des questions d=92ouverture commerciale aux = niveaux r=E9gional et multilat=E9ral et de l=92impact de la = mondialisation.", // French caption "Sr. Frederiksen, Ministro de Empleo de Dinamarca#El mi=E9rcoles 7 = de junio de 2006, el Director General recibi=F3 al Sr. Frederiksen, = Ministro de Empleo de Dinamarca. Ambos departieron sobre la situaci=F3n = de las negociaciones en la OMC, la apertura comercial regional y = multilateral y el impacto de la globalizaci=F3n.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_f_denmark.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "V", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 =3D = Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[31] =3D [ "02.05.2006", // date ( "Director-General Pascal Lamy after meeting with United States = Trade Representative Robert Portman, Deputy U.S. Trade Representative = Susan Schwab and United States Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns.#On = Tuesday 2 May 2006 the Director-General met with Mr. Rob Portman, USTR , = Ms. Susan Schwab, Deputy USTR (and USTR nominee) and Mr. Mike Johanns, = US Secretary of Agriculture. They exchanged views on the on-going = negotiations under the Doha Development Agenda.", // English caption "Le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral Pascal Lamy apr=E8s la r=E9union avec le = Repr=E9sentant des =C9tats-Unis pour les questions commerciales = internationales Robert Portman, la Repr=E9sentante adjointe des = =C9tats-Unis pour les questions commerciales internationales Susan = Schwab et le Ministre de l=92agriculture des =C9tats-Unis Mike = Johanns.#Le mardi 2 mai 2006, le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral a rencontr=E9 M. = Rob Portman, Repr=E9sentant des =C9tats-Unis pour les questions = commerciales internationales, Mme Susan Schwab, Repr=E9sentante adjointe = (et future Repr=E9sentante) des =C9tats-Unis pour les questions = commerciales internationales et M. Mike Johanns, Ministre de = l=92agriculture des =C9tats-Unis. Ils ont =E9chang=E9 des vues sur les = n=E9gociations en cours dans le cadre du Programme de Doha pour le = d=E9veloppement.", // French caption "El Director General Pascal Lamy, despu=E9s de su reuni=F3n con el = Representante de los Estados Unidos para las Cuestiones Comerciales = Robert Portman, la Representante Adjunta de los Estados Unidos para las = Cuestiones Comerciales Susan Schwab y el Secretario de Agricultura de = los Estados Unidos Mike Johanns.#El martes 2 de mayo de 2006 el Director = General se reuni=F3 con el Sr. Rob Portman, USTR, la Sra. Susan Schwab, = USTR Adjunta (que ser=E1 la nueva USTR) y el Sr. Mike Johans, Secretario = de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos. Intercambiaron opiniones sobre las = negociaciones en curso en el marco del Programa de Doha para el = Desarrollo.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_rp_ss_mj.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "V#PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[30] =3D [ "02.05.2006", // date ( "Director-General Pascal Lamy after meeting with United States = Trade Representative Robert Portman and Deputy U.S. Trade Representative = Susan Schwab#Director-General Pascal Lamy after meeting with United = States Trade Representative Robert Portman and Deputy U.S. Trade = Representative Susan Schwab at the WTO headquarters on 2 May 2006.", // = English caption "Le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral Pascal Lamy apr=E8s la r=E9union avec le = Repr=E9sentant des =C9tats-Unis pour les questions commerciales = internationales Robert Portman et la Repr=E9sentante adjointe des = =C9tats-Unis pour les questions commerciales internationales Susan = Schwab#Le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral Pascal Lamy apr=E8s la r=E9union avec le = Repr=E9sentant des =C9tats-Unis pour les questions commerciales = internationales Robert Portman et la Repr=E9sentante adjointe des = =C9tats-Unis pour les questions commerciales internationales Susan = Schwab, au si=E8ge de l=92OMC le 2 mai 2006.", // French caption "El Director General Pascal Lamy, despu=E9s de su reuni=F3n con el = Representante de los Estados Unidos para las Cuestiones Comerciales = Robert Portman y la Representante Adjunta de los Estados Unidos para las = Cuestiones Comerciales Susan Schwab#El Director General Pascal Lamy, = despu=E9s de su reuni=F3n con el Representante de los Estados Unidos = para las Cuestiones Comerciales Robert Portman y la Representante = Adjunta de los Estados Unidos para las Cuestiones Comerciales Susan = Schwab en la sede de la OMC el 2 de mayo de 2006.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_rp_ss_ustr.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "V#PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[29] =3D [ "28.04.2006", // date ( "H.E. Mr. Mandisi Bongani Mabuto Mpahlwa, Minister of South = Africa#On Friday 28th April 2006 the Director-General met with the = Minister H.E. Mr. Mandisi Bongani Mabuto Mpahlwa of South Africa. They = discussed the state of play in the DDA negotiations and South = Africa=92s position on the key negotiating areas of NAMA, Agriculture = and Services.", // English caption "S.E M. Mandisi Bongani Mabuto Mpahlwa, Ministre sud-africain#Le = vendredi 28 avril 2006, le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral a rencontr=E9 S.E M. = Mandisi Bongani Mabuto Mpahlwa, Ministre sud-africain. Ils ont fait le = point des n=E9gociations men=E9es dans le cadre du PDD et discut=E9 de = la position de l=92Afrique du Sud sur l=92AMNA, l=92agriculture et les = services, domaines cl=E9s des n=E9gociations.", // French caption "Excmo. Sr. Ministro Mandisi Bongani Mabuto Mpahlwa, de = Sud=E1frica#El viernes 28 de abril el Director General se reuni=F3 con = el Excmo. Sr. Ministro Mandisi Bongani Mabuto Mpahlwa, de Sud=E1frica. = Hablaron de la situaci=F3n de las negociaciones del Programa de Doha = para el Desarrollo y de la postura de Sud=E1frica en las esferas claves = de negociaci=F3n del acceso a los mercados para los productos no = agr=EDcolas, la agricultura y los servicios.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_mbmm_southafrica.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "V", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 =3D = Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[28] =3D [ "25.04.2006", // date ( "H.E. Ms Sheikha Lubna AL QASIMI, Minister for Economy and = Planning of the United Arab Emirates#On Tuesday 25 April the DG met with = H.E. Ms Sheikha Lubna AL QASIMI, Minister for Economy and Planning of = the United Arab Emirates on the occasion of the UAE=92s first Trade = Policy Review. He congratulated her on the important steps taken by the = UAE towards greater trade opening and reform.", // English caption "S.E. Mme Sheikha Lubna AL QASIMI, Ministre de l=92=E9conomie et = de la planification des =C9mirats arabes unis#Le mardi 25 avril, le = Directeur g=E9n=E9ral a rencontr=E9 S.E. Mme Sheikha Lubna AL QASIMI, = Ministre de l=92=E9conomie et de la planification des =C9mirats arabes = unis, =E0 l=92occasion du premier Examen des politiques commerciales des = =C9mirats arabes unis. Il l=92a f=E9licit=E9e des mesures importantes = prises par le pays vers davantage d=92ouverture commerciale et de = r=E9forme.", // French caption "Excma. Sra. Sheikha Lubna AL QUASIMI, Ministra de Econom=EDa y = Planificaci=F3n de los Emiratos =C1rabes Unidos#El martes 25 de abril el = Director General se reuni=F3 con la Excma. Sra. Sheikha Lubna AL = QUASIMI, Ministra de Econom=EDa y Planificaci=F3n de los Emiratos = =C1rabes Unidos, con ocasi=F3n del primer Examen de las Pol=EDticas = Comerciales de este pa=EDs, y la felicit=F3 por los importantes pasos = dados por los EUA hacia una mayor apertura y reforma del comercio.", // = Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_slaq_uae.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "V", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 =3D = Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[27] =3D [ "25.04.2006", // date ( "H.E. Mr. Kamal Nath, Minister of Industry and Commerce of = India#On Tuesday 25 April 2006 the Director-General met with H.E. Mr. = Kamal Nath, Minister of Industry and Commerce of India. They discussed = the ongoing negotiations and the way forward. The Director-General = emphasized the importance of a timely conclusion of the Round. Minister = Nath supported the approach of a Geneva based, text based, continuous = negotiation over the coming weeks and reiterated Indian=92s commitment = to a speedy conclusion of the Round.", // English caption "S.E. M. Kamal Nath, Ministre indien de l=92industrie et du = commerce#Le mardi 25 avril 2006, le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral a rencontr=E9 = S.E. M. Kamal Nath, Ministre indien de l=92industrie et du commerce. Ils = ont discut=E9 des n=E9gociations en cours et de la voie =E0 suivre. Le = Directeur g=E9n=E9ral a soulign=E9 l=92importance d=92une conclusion, = dans les d=E9lais, du Cycle. Le Ministre a soutenu l=92approche d=92une = n=E9gociation continue, bas=E9e =E0 Gen=E8ve et centr=E9e sur des = textes, au cours des prochaines semaines et a rappel=E9 que l=92Inde = restait attach=E9e =E0 une conclusion rapide du Cycle.", // French = caption "Excmo. Sr. Kamal Nath, Ministro de Industria y Comercio de la = India#El martes 25 de abril de 2006 el Director General se reuni=F3 con = el Excmo. Sr. Kamal Nath, Ministro de Industria y Comercio de la India. = Hablaron de las negociaciones en curso y del camino a seguir. El = Director General subray=F3 la importancia de una conclusi=F3n oportuna = de la Ronda. El Ministro Nath apoy=F3 el enfoque de una negociaci=F3n = continua basada en textos mantenida en Ginebra a lo largo de las = pr=F3ximas semanas, y reiter=F3 el compromiso de la India con una = conclusi=F3n r=E1pida de la Ronda.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_kn_india.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "V", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 =3D = Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[26] =3D [ "25.04.2006", // date ( "Honourable Mohamed Jaleel, Minister of Economic Development & = Trade of the Maldives#On Tuesday 25th April 2006 the Director-General = met with Honourable Mohamed Jaleel, Minister of Economic Development & = Trade of the Maldives. Minister Jaleel briefed the Director-General on = the economic situation and development challenges in the country. He = emphasized the role that Integrated Framework could play in building up = and diversifying Maldives export capacity. Both sides also exchanged = views on the ongoing WTO negotiations and the Director- General = emphasized the importance of maintaining the multilateral trading system = to the benefit to all developing countries, especially those smallest = and the weakest.", // English caption "M. Mohamed Jaleel, Ministre du d=E9veloppement =E9conomique et du = commerce des Maldives#Le mardi 25 avril 2006, le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral a = rencontr=E9 M. Mohamed Jaleel, Ministre du d=E9veloppement =E9conomique = et du commerce des Maldives. Le Ministre a inform=E9 le Directeur = g=E9n=E9ral de la situation =E9conomique et des difficult=E9s du pays = dans le domaine du d=E9veloppement. Il a soulign=E9 le r=F4le que le = Cadre int=E9gr=E9 pourrait jouer dans le renforcement et la = diversification de la capacit=E9 d=92exportation des Maldives. Les deux = interlocuteurs ont =E9galement =E9chang=E9 des vues sur les = n=E9gociations qui se d=E9roulent dans le cadre de l=92OMC et le = Directeur g=E9n=E9ral a soulign=E9 l=92importance du maintien du = syst=E8me commercial multilat=E9ral au b=E9n=E9fice de tous les pays en = d=E9veloppement, en particulier les plus petits et les plus faibles.", = // French caption "Excmo. Sr. Mohamed Jaleel, Ministro de Desarrollo Econ=F3mico y = Comercio de Maldivas#El martes 25 de abril de 2006 el Director General = se reuni=F3 con el Excmo. Sr. Mohamed Jaleel, Ministro de Desarrollo = Econ=F3mico y Comercio de Maldivas. El Ministro Jaleel inform=F3 al = Director General de la situaci=F3n econ=F3mica y los desaf=EDos para el = desarrollo del pa=EDs. Destac=F3 el papel que el Marco Integrado = podr=EDa desempe=F1ar en la creaci=F3n y diversificaci=F3n de la = capacidad de exportaci=F3n de Maldivas. Adem=E1s, ambas partes = intercambiaron opiniones sobre las negociaciones en curso en la OMC, y = el Director General subray=F3 la importancia de mantener el sistema = multilateral de comercio en beneficio de todos los pa=EDses en = desarrollo, en especial los m=E1s peque=F1os y d=E9biles.", // Spanish = caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_mj_maldives.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "V", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 =3D = Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[25] =3D [ "05.04.2006", // date ( "DG meeting with Shri Murli Manohar Joshi, Chairman of Indian = Parliament Standing Committee on Commerce, New Delhi.", // English = caption "R=E9union du DG avec Shri Murli Manohar Joshi, Pr=E9sident de la = Commission permanente sur le commerce du Parlement indien, New Delhi.", = // French caption "Reuni=F3n del Director General con Shri Murli Manohar Joshi, = Presidente del Comit=E9 Permanente de Comercio del Parlamento de la = India, Nueva Delhi.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_mmj_india.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[24] =3D [ "08.03.2006", // date ( "WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy with King Juan Carlos of Spain = (Photo: agencia EFE)", // English caption "Le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral de l=92OMC Pascal Lamy avec le roi = d=92Espagne Juan Carlos (Photo: agencia EFE)", // French caption "El Director General de la OMC, Pascal Lamy, con el Rey Juan = Carlos de Espa=F1a (Photo: agencia EFE)", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_jc_spain.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[23] =3D [ "27.02.2006", // date ( "Rifki Abdoulkader Bamakrama, Trade Minister of Djibouti#On = Monday 27th February 2006 the Director-General met with the Trade = Minister Rifki Abdoulkader Bamakrama of Djibouti. The Minister was in = Geneva to attend Djibouti s first trade policy review meeting. They = discussed developments in Djiboutis trade policy and those in the = COMESA region.", // English caption "M. Rifki Abdoulkader Bamakrama, Ministre djiboutien du = commerce#Le lundi 27 f=E9vrier 2006, le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral a = rencontr=E9 M. Rifki Abdoulkader Bamakrama, Ministre djiboutien du = commerce, qui =E9tait =E0 Gen=E8ve pour assister =E0 la r=E9union = consacr=E9e au premier examen des politiques commerciales de Djibouti. = Ils ont discut=E9 de l=92=E9volution de la politique commerciale de = Djibouti et de celle des pays du March=E9 commun de l=92Afrique = orientale et australe.", // French caption "Rifki Abdoulkader Bamakrama, Ministro de Comercio de Djibouti#El = lunes 27 de febrero de 2006 el Director General se reuni=F3 con el = Ministro de Comercio de Djibouti, Rifki Abdoulkader Bamakrama. El = Ministro estuvo en Ginebra para asistir a la primera reuni=F3n de examen = de las pol=EDticas comerciales de Djibouti. Analizaron la evoluci=F3n de = las pol=EDticas comerciales de Djibouti y de la regi=F3n del COMESA.", = // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_rab_djibouti.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "V", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 =3D = Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[22] =3D [ "23.02.2006", // date ( "From left to right: Mr. Jos=E9 Bov=E9, Mr. Michel Rainelli and = Director-General Pascal Lamy#On the Thursday 23 February 2006 DG Pascal = Lamy held a public debate with Jos=E9 Bov=E9, member of the = Conf=E9d=E9ration paysanne, and Michel Rainelli, Professor of Economics = at l=92Universit=E9 d=92Aix Marseille II, on =93l=92OMC et la gauche=94 = at a think tank called UTOPIA in Paris.", // English caption "De gauche =E0 droite: Mr. Jos=E9 Bov=E9, Mr. Michel Rainelli et = le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral Pascal Lamy#Le jeudi 23 f=E9vrier 2006, le = Directeur g=E9n=E9ral Pascal Lamy a particip=E9 =E0 Paris =E0 un d=E9bat = public avec Jos=E9 Bov=E9, membre de la Conf=E9d=E9ration paysanne, et = Michel Rainelli, professeur d=92=E9conomie =E0 l=92Universit=E9 d=92Aix = Marseille II, sur le th=E8me =93L=92OMC et la gauche=94 dans le cadre du = cercle de r=E9flexion UTOPIA.", // French caption "De izquierda a derecha: Sr. Jos=E9 Bov=E9, Sr. Michel Rainelli y = el Director General, Pascal Lamy#El jueves 23 de febrero de 2006 el = Director General Pascal Lamy sostuvo un debate p=FAblico con Jos=E9 = Bov=E9, miembro de la Conf=E9d=E9ration paysanne, y Michel Rainelli, = profesor de econom=EDa de la Universit=E9 d=92Aix Marseille II, sobre = =93La OMC y la izquierda=94 en un centro de estudios llamado UTOPIA en = Par=EDs.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_bove_utopia.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[21] =3D [ "16.02.2006", // date ( "Pascal Lamy and Congressman Charles B. Rangel, Washington", // = English caption "Pascal Lamy et Charles B. Rangel, Membre du Congr=E8s, =E0 = Washington", // French caption "Pascal Lamy y el congresista Charles B. Rangel, Washington", // = Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_cbr_washington.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[20] =3D [ "21.02.2006", // date ( "Pascal Lamy at the internet chat.", // English caption "M. Lamy lors de la discussion en ligne.", // French caption "Pascal Lamy durante la charla por Internet.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/dgchat1.jpg", // photo link "26", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[19] =3D [ "20.02.2006", // date ( "Mr. Louis Michel, EU Development and Humanitarian Aid = Commissioner#On Monday 20th February 2006 the Director-General met with = EU Development and Humanitarian Aid Commissioner Mr. Louis Michel. They = discussed ongoing consultations led by the WTO with multilateral and = bilateral donors for an Aid for Trade package to benefit developing , = including the Integrated Framework for Least Developed Countries.", // = English caption "M. Louis Michel, Commissaire europ=E9en au d=E9veloppement et =E0 = l=92aide humanitaire#Le lundi 20 f=E9vrier 2006, le Directeur = g=E9n=E9ral a rencontr=E9 le Commissaire europ=E9en au d=E9veloppement = et =E0 l=92aide humanitaire, M. Louis Michel. Ils ont discut=E9 des = consultations qui se tiennent actuellement entre l=92OMC et des = donateurs multilat=E9raux et bilat=E9raux concernant le programme = =93Aide pour le commerce=94 en faveur des pays en d=E9veloppement, y = compris le Cadre int=E9gr=E9 pour les pays les moins avanc=E9s.", // = French caption "Sr. Louis Michel, Comisario de Desarrollo y Ayuda Humanitaria de = la UE#El lunes 20 de febrero de 2006, el Director General se reuni=F3 = con el Comisario de Desarrollo y Ayuda Humanitaria de la UE, Louis = Michel. Analizaron las consultas en curso con los donantes = multilaterales y bilaterales dirigidas por la OMC a fin de establecer un = paquete de ayuda para el comercio que beneficie a los pa=EDses en = desarrollo, con inclusi=F3n del Marco Integrado para los Pa=EDses Menos = Adelantados.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_lm_eu.jpg", // photo link "31", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "V", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 =3D = Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[18] =3D [ "13.02.2006", // date ( "H.E. Mr. Aguinaldo Jaime, Deputy Prime Minister of Angola#On = Monday 13th February 2006 the Director-General met with Deputy Prime = Minister H.E. Mr. Aguinaldo Jaime of Angola. Mr. Jaime congratulated the = Director-General for the success of the Hong Kong Ministerial conference = and introducted the economic development in Angola. The Director-General = appreciated Deputy PM=92s presence at the Trade Policy Review and = applauded the economic performance Angola has achieved in the past = years. Both sides also discussed the functioning of the Integrated = Framework and emphasized the importance of coordination among = international donors.", // English caption "S.E M. Aguinaldo Jaime, vice-Premier Ministre angolais#Le lundi = 13 f=E9vrier 2006, le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral a rencontr=E9 le = vice-Premier Ministre angolais S.E M. Aguinaldo Jaime. M. Jaime a = f=E9licit=E9 le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral pour le succ=E8s de la = Conf=E9rence minist=E9rielle de Hong Kong et pr=E9sent=E9 = l=92=E9volution =E9conomique de l=92Angola. Le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral = s=92est f=E9licit=E9 de la pr=E9sence du vice-Premier Ministre lors de = l=92examen des politiques commerciales et a salu=E9 les r=E9sultats = =E9conomiques obtenus pas le pays au cours des derni=E8res ann=E9es. Ils = ont =E9galement discut=E9 du fonctionnement du Cadre int=E9gr=E9 et = soulign=E9 l=92importance de la coordination entre les donateurs = internationaux.", // French caption "Excmo. Sr. Aguinaldo Jaime, Viceprimer Ministro de Angola#El = lunes 13 de febrero de 2006 el Director General se reuni=F3 con el = Excmo. Sr. Aguinaldo Jaime, Viceprimer Ministro de Angola. El Sr. Jaime = felicit=F3 al Director General por el =E9xito de la Conferencia = Ministerial de Hong Kong y expuso la evoluci=F3n econ=F3mica de Angola. = El Director General agradeci=F3 la presencia del Viceprimer Ministro en = el Examen de las Pol=EDticas Comerciales y aplaudi=F3 los resultados = econ=F3micos logrados por Angola en los =FAltimos a=F1os. Ambos = examinaron asimismo el funcionamiento del Marco Integrado y destacaron = la importancia de la coordinaci=F3n entre los donantes = internacionales.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_aj_angola.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "V", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 =3D = Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[17] =3D [ "08.02.2006", // date ( "From left to right: Director-General Pascal Lamy, incoming = General Council chairman Eirik Glenne, outgoing General Council chairman = Amina Mohamed", // English caption "De gauche =E0 droite: le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral Pascal Lamy, le = nouveau Pr=E9sident du Conseil g=E9n=E9ral Eirik Glenne, la = Pr=E9sidente sortante du Conseil g=E9n=E9ral Amina Mohamed", // French = caption "De izquierda a derecha: el Director General, Pascal Lamy, el = nuevo Presidente del Consejo General, Eirik Glenne, y la Presidente = saliente del Consejo General, Amina Mohamed", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/gc_8feb06.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[16] =3D [ "08.02.2006", // date ( "Outgoing General Council chairman Amina Mohamed (Kenya), and = incoming chairman Eirik Glenne (Norway)", // English caption "La Pr=E9sidente sortante du Conseil g=E9n=E9ral Amina Mohamed = (Kenya) et le nouveau Pr=E9sident Eirik Glenne (Norv=E8ge)", // French = caption "La Presidente saliente del Consejo General, Amina Mohamed (Kenya) = y el nuevo Presidente, Eirik Glenne (Noruega)", // Spanish caption "/images/img_press/gc_am_eg.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 =3D = Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[15] =3D [ "08.02.2006", // date ( "Pascal Lamy presents the gavel to outgoing General Council = chairman Amina Mohamed", // English caption "Pascal Lamy pr=E9sente le marteau =E0 la Pr=E9sidente sortante du = Conseil g=E9n=E9ral Amina Mohamed", // French caption "Pascal Lamy hace entrega del mazo a la Presidente saliente del = Consejo General Amina Mohamed", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_am_gavel.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[14] =3D [ "07.02.2006", // date ( "From left to right: Pascal Lamy, interpreter and N=E9stor = Kirschner, President of Argentina", // English caption "De gauche =E0 droite: Pascal Lamy, un interpr=E8te et N=E9stor = Kirschner, le Pr=E9sident argentin", // French caption "De izquierda a derecha: Pascal Lamy, int=E9rprete y N=E9stor = Kirschner, Presidente de la Argentina", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_nk_argentina.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[13] =3D [ "07.02.2006", // date ( "Pascal Lamy with Mar=EDa Luisa Ramos, Deputy Trade Minister of = Bolivia", // English caption "Pascal Lamy avec Mar=EDa Luisa Ramos, Ministre adjointe du = commerce de la Bolivie", // French caption "Pascal Lamy con Mar=EDa Luisa Ramos, Viceministra de Relaciones = Econ=F3micas Internacionales de Bolivia", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_mlr_bolivia.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[12] =3D [ "07.02.2006", // date ( "Pascal Lamy with Jos=E9 Luis Machinea, Secretary General of = CEPAL", // English caption "Pascal Lamy, avec Jos=E9 Luis Machinea, Secr=E9taire g=E9n=E9ral = de la CEPAL", // French caption "Pascal Lamy con Jos=E9 Luis Machinea, Secretario Ejecutivo de la = CEPAL", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_jlm_cepal.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "533", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[11] =3D [ "07.02.2006", // date ( "Pascal Lamy with Felisa Miceli, Economy Minister of Argentina", = // English caption "Pascal Lamy avec Felisa Miceli, Ministre argentine de = l=92=E9conomie", // French caption "Pascal Lamy con Felisa Miceli, Ministra de Econom=EDa de la = Argentina", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_fm_argentina.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "533", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[10] =3D [ "01.02.2006", // date ( "Pascal Lamy in Lima with Allan Wagner, Secretary General of the = Andean Community", // English caption "Pascal Lamy =E0 Lima avec Allan Wagner, Secr=E9taire g=E9n=E9ral = de la Communaut=E9 andine", // French caption "Pascal Lamy en Lima con el Secretario General de la Comunidad = Andina Allan Wagner", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_aw_lima.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "533", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[9] =3D [ "31.01.2006", // date ( "Pascal Lamy in Lima with Peruvian President Alejandro Toledo", = // English caption "Pascal Lamy =E0 Lima avec le Pr=E9sident p=E9ruvien Alejandro = Toledo", // French caption "Pascal Lamy en Lima con el Presidente del Per=FA Alejandro = Toledo", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_at_lima.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[8] =3D [ "31.01.2006", // date ( "Pascal Lamy in Lima with Alfredo Ferrero, Peruvian Trade and = Commerce Minister ", // English caption "Pascal Lamy =E0 Lima avec Alfredo Ferrero, Ministre p=E9ruvien = des =E9changes et du commerce", // French caption "Pascal Lamy en Lima con el Ministro de Comercio Exterior y = Turismo del Per=FA Alfredo Ferrero", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_af_lima.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[7] =3D [ "31.01.2006", // date ( "Pascal Lamy with Luis Machinea, Secretary General of CEPAL in = Santiago", // English caption "Pascal Lamy avec Luis Machinea, Secretaire g=E9n=E9ral de la = CEPAL =E0 Santiago", // French caption "Pascal Lamy con Jos=E9 Luis Machinea, Secretario Ejecutivo de la = CEPAL, en Santiago", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_om_lima.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "533", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[6] =3D [ "30.01.2006", // date ( "Pascal Lamy in Santiago with president Lagos of Chile", // = English caption "Pascal Lamy =E0 Santiago avec le Pr=E9sident Lagos du Chili", // = French caption "Pascal Lamy con el Presidente Lagos en Santiago de Chile", // = Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_lagos_chile.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[5] =3D [ "30.01.2006", // date ( "Pascal Lamy with Chilean President elect Michelle Bachelet ", // = English caption "Pascal Lamy avec la Pr=E9sidente =E9lue du Chili, Michelle = Bachelet", // French caption "Pascal Lamy con la Presidenta electa de Chile Michelle Bachelet", = // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_mb_chili.jpg", // photo link "40", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[4] =3D [ "30.01.2006", // date ( "Pascal Lamy and Ignacio Walker, Foreign Minister of Chile, in = Santiago", // English caption "Pascal Lamy et Ignacio Walker, Ministre des affaires = =E9trang=E8res du Chili, =E0 Santiago", // French caption "Pascal Lamy e Ignacio Walker, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores = de Chile, en Santiago", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_rl_chile06.jpg", // photo link "35", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[3] =3D [ "30.01.2006", // date ( "Pascal Lamy in Santiago, Chile", // English caption "Pascal Lamy =E0 Santiago (Chili)", // French caption "Pascal Lamy en Santiago de Chile", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_chile06.jpg", // photo link "35", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "PL", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 = =3D Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[2] =3D [ "25.01.2006", // date ( "Mr. Phil Goff, new Minister for Trade negotations for New = Zealand#On Wednesday 25 January 2006 the Director-General met with Mr. = Phil Goff, new Minister for Trade negotations for New Zealand. They = discussed generally the results of the Hong Kong Ministerial and the = work ahead of us before the successful completion of the DOHA Round.", = // English caption "M. Phil Goff, nouveau Ministre n=E9o-z=E9landais des = n=E9gociations commerciales#Le mercredi 25 janvier 2006, le Directeur = g=E9n=E9ral a rencontr=E9 M. Phil Goff, nouveau Ministre = n=E9o-z=E9landais des n=E9gociations commerciales. Ils ont discut=E9, = d=92une mani=E8re g=E9n=E9rale, des r=E9sultats de la Conf=E9rence = minist=E9rielle de Hong Kong et des travaux qui restaient =E0 accomplir = pour mener =E0 bien le Cycle de Doha.", // French caption "Sr. Phil Goff, nuevo Ministro neozeland=E9s de negociaciones = comerciales#El mi=E9rcoles 25 de enero de 2006 el Director General se = reuni=F3 con el Sr. Phil Goff, nuevo Ministro neozeland=E9s de = negociaciones comerciales. Examinaron de forma general los resultados = de la Conferencia Ministerial de Hong Kong y el trabajo que quedaba por = delante para concluir con =E9xito la Ronda de Doha.", // Spanish = caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_pg_newzealand.jpg", // photo link "27", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "V", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 =3D = Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[1] =3D [ "25.01.2006", // date ( "Mr. Watana Muangsook, Minister of Social affairs of Thailand #On = Wednesday 25 January 2006 Mr. Watana Muangsook of Minister of Social = affairs of Thailand paid a courtesy call to the Director-General. The = Minister congratulated the DG for the success of the Hong Kong = Ministerial. The DG introduced the ongoing negotiations and they also = exchanged views on the impact of regional trade agreements on the = multilateral trading system.", // English caption "M. Watana Muangsook, Ministre tha=EFlandais des affaires = sociales#Le mercredi 25 janvier 2006, M. Watana Muangsook, Ministre = tha=EFlandais des affaires sociales, a fait une visite de courtoisie au = Directeur g=E9n=E9ral. Le Ministre a f=E9licit=E9 le DG pour le succ=E8s = de la Conf=E9rence minist=E9rielle de Hong Kong. Le DG a pr=E9sent=E9 = les n=E9gociations en cours et ils ont =E9galement =E9chang=E9 des vues = sur l=92incidence des accords commerciaux r=E9gionaux sur le syst=E8me = commercial multilat=E9ral.", // French caption "Sr. Watana Muangsok, Ministro de Asuntos Sociales de Tailandia#EL = mi=E9rcoles 25 de enero de 2006 el Sr. Watana Muangsok, Ministro de = Asuntos Sociales de Tailandia, hizo una visita de cortes=EDa al Director = General. El Ministro felicit=F3 al Director General por el =E9xito de la = Conferencia Ministerial de Hong Kong. El Director General expuso las = negociaciones en curso y tambi=E9n intercambiaron opiniones sobre la = incidencia de los acuerdos comerciales regionales en el sistema = multilateral de comercio.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_wm_thailande.jpg", // photo link "35", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "V", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 =3D = Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; photo_array[0] =3D [ "23.01.2006", // date ( "Ms. Danuta H=FCbner, EU Commissioner for Regional policy#On = Monday 23rd Janary 2006 the Director-General met Ms. Danuta H=FCbner EU = Commissioner for Regional policy. They discussed the on-going WTO = negotiations under the Doha Development Agenda.", // English caption "Mme Danuta H=FCbner, Commissaire europ=E9enne en charge de la = politique r=E9gionale#Lundi 23 janvier 2006, le Directeur g=E9n=E9ral a = rencontr=E9 Mme Danuta H=FCbner, Commissaire europ=E9enne en charge de = la politique r=E9gionale. Ils ont discut=E9 des n=E9gociations en cours = =E0 l=92OMC dans le cadre du Programme de Doha pour le = d=E9veloppement.", // French caption "Sra. Danuta H=FCbner, Comisaria de pol=EDtica regional de la = UE#El lunes 23 de enero de 2006 el Director General se reuni=F3 con la = Sra. Danuta H=FCbner, Comisaria de pol=EDtica regional de la UE. = Hablaron de las negociaciones en curso en la OMC en el marco del = Programa de Doha para el Desarrollo.", // Spanish caption "/images/img_dg_pl/pl_dh_ec.jpg", // photo link "27", // image size (KB) "400", // image width (pixels) "300", // image height (pixels) 1, // thumbnail (0 =3D no thumbnail, 1 =3D thumbnail) "V", // occasion type (V =3D visitor, PL =3D Pascal Lamy, M05 =3D = Min 2005) 0, // high resolution photo (0 =3D no high resolution, 1 =3D high = resolution) ]; //--> ------=_NextPart_000_0000_01CABF77.42B322D0 Content-Type: application/octet-stream Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Location: = //***********************************************************************= //* APPLICATION : DDF+ Web //* COMPONENT :=20 //* PAGE : This is a javascript library used by IMRD for direct link = to the DDF+ //* CREATION : 16.01.2001 //* AUTHOR : WTO / Vincent Graf (sqli) //* CONTENT : a single function that submit the hidden form of the = calling page //* =09 = //***********************************************************************= //* UPDATES : //* = //***********************************************************************= ------=_NextPart_000_0000_01CABF77.42B322D0 Content-Type: application/octet-stream Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Location: //***********************************************************************= ******************************************* //=20 //***********************************************************************= ******************************************* // initialise global variables var menu_width =3D new Array(7); var menu_text =3D new Array(7); var menu_link =3D new Array(7); var menu_texttip =3D new Array(7); var topmenu_width =3D new Array(5); var topmenu_text =3D new Array(5); var topmenu_link =3D new Array(5); var topmenu_texttip =3D new Array(5); var cell_padding =3D 1; var cell_border =3D 0; var netscape_pad =3D 0; var bar_width =3D 10; var menu_top =3D 43; var isOpera =3D /Opera/g; var isFirefox =3D /Firefox/g; var isOpera9 =3D /Opera\/9/g; var isNetscape =3D /Netscape/g; var isVersion4 =3D /Mozilla\/4/g; var isSafari =3D /Safari/g; var isMacintosh =3D /Macintosh/g; var menu_enabled =3D 0; var check_if_macintosh =3D isMacintosh.test(navigator.userAgent); var check_if_firefox =3D isFirefox.test(navigator.userAgent); var check_if_safari =3D isSafari.test(navigator.userAgent); var check_if_opera =3D isOpera.test(navigator.userAgent); var check_if_opera9 =3D isOpera9.test(navigator.userAgent); var check_if_netscape =3D isNetscape.test(navigator.appName); var check_if_version4 =3D isVersion4.test(navigator.userAgent); =09 // global variables for additional home page menus var tradenegotiationsmenuXpos =3D 0; var tradenegotiationsmenuYpos =3D 0; var implementationmenuXpos =3D 0; var implementationmenuYpos =3D 0; // alert(navigator.userAgent + " version" + navigator.appVersion); //Highlight Table Cells Script-- By Dynamic Drive //For full source code and more DHTML scripts, visit = //This credit MUST stay intact for use var ns6=3Ddocument.getElementById&&!document.all; var ie=3Ddocument.all; function changeto(e,highlightcolor) { source=3Die? 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